Holder to be Cited for Contempt - About Time!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's about time this lying, corrupt bastard son of John Mitchell be cited.


joe bloe's Avatar
I'm not sure it will matter. What difference did it make to impeach Clinton? We didn't have the balls to actually convict him in the Senate and remove him. At a certain point the legal system breaks down. Obama and his administration, in many ways, are effectively above the law. It's all about politics. Holder will just respond that the contempt charge is politically driven. The Democrats will circle the wagons and the media will spin the story to protect Holder.

We may be closer to a dictatorship than most people imagine. Obama certainly will not be constrained from seizing power by any sense of personal honor or decency. I think he looks at Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez as role models. Hitler obtained the power to rule by decree after the burning of the Reichstag; I don't think Obama is above engineering something similar in order to create an oportunity to restrict civil liberties and increase his power.

Raila Odinga obtained power in Kenya by using mob violence after contesting the outcome of a close election. Obama campaigned for Odinga.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
100% in agreement with you on that one, Joe.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is a start. The criminal should not be allowed to rest until he has faced true justice.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-28-2012, 01:00 PM
We may be closer to a dictatorship than most people imagine. Obama certainly will not be constrained from seizing power by any sense of personal honor or decency. Originally Posted by joe bloe
100% in agreement with you on that one, Joe. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I've got $50,000 that says if Obama wins re-election, that in 4 years we'll have another election and another person will ultimately become President on 1/20/21. That there will be no need for any military intervention, nobody will be killed from rioting in the streets over the fact that Obama will be replaced in a perfectly orderly manner, nothing.

Either of you 2 wanna put your money where your ignorant mouths are?

$50,000. Right now.
  • Laz
  • 04-28-2012, 04:03 PM
I've got $50,000 that says if Obama wins re-election, that in 4 years we'll have another election and another person will ultimately become President on 1/20/21. That there will be no need for any military intervention, nobody will be killed from rioting in the streets over the fact that Obama will be replaced in a perfectly orderly manner, nothing.

Either of you 2 wanna put your money where your ignorant mouths are?

$50,000. Right now. Originally Posted by Doove
I agree with everything you said except for Obama winning reelection. I may be wrong but I still have hope that the voters are not stupid enough to be fooled twice. I am an optimist.

As for Obama abusing executive power I do think he is and will continue to do so. It will not end until he is out of office.
I also think President Obama will win re-election.

The Republicam Party is going all out to gain a majority in the Senate. I think they will. I believe the American Public wants to give President Obama another term, but they also want to temper the Executive Branch's power. The way to do that is resort back to a true balance of powers.

We will see if the Electorate is that smart.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-28-2012, 04:35 PM
I agree with everything you said except for Obama winning reelection. I may be wrong but I still have hope that the voters are not stupid enough to be fooled twice. I am an optimist.

As for Obama abusing executive power I do think he is and will continue to do so. It will not end until he is out of office. Originally Posted by Laz
He said "IF" Obama is reelected. If he isn't I think the point is the non-takeover will happen 4 years earlier.

And not taking sides, which was the last president NOT to abuse executive power? Please don't tell me GWB. Or Clinton. Or Reagan. They all had their abusive moments, it's judt that in each casetheir supporters essentially claimed "But you don't understand, it was necessary in this case!"

Power corrupts, and it is too often the corrupted who seek power in the first place. It isn't limited to either party.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've got $50,000 that says if Obama wins re-election, that in 4 years we'll have another election and another person will ultimately become President on 1/20/21. That there will be no need for any military intervention, nobody will be killed from rioting in the streets over the fact that Obama will be replaced in a perfectly orderly manner, nothing.

Either of you 2 wanna put your money where your ignorant mouths are?

$50,000. Right now. Originally Posted by Doove
First of all, I am a gambler, but only with honorable people, which you are not. You're simply an Obama flamethrower with no original thought.

You twist, distort and misquote to get people to say what you want them to say, because you can't respond except in a limited fashion.

And if you had that kind of money, no doubt you inherited it, and I would hate to waste your parents' money on an ill considered wager by their son of limited intellect.

Odds are that things will transpire as you have described, but the chances are greater than slim that Obama could attempt to consolidate his power to negate the Congress and the Court altogether. He does not respect the Constitution, and he has enough mind-numbed robots worshiping him that it could happen. We have never had a president who tried to increase the power of the executive branch to the level Obama has. It is frightening.

And I'm sorry people who want to preserve you liberty scare you. But one thing is sure, you will undoubtedly receive the Mindless Obedience to the President meritbadge. Wear it proudly.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I do not have a lot of faith in the general population.
Most of them are totally oblivious or just dont give a shit one way or another.
If they do not see an immediate effect they feel it doe snot concern them. Those that still have jobs still get paid the government continues to tale a percentage of what they make and they act as if they dont miss it. Some go so far as to look at it as the price they have to pay to be employed.
To them voting for the incimbent if they vote at all means that things will stay the same. They dont care about polotics or government unless it slpas them in theri face. There are more that are not informed at all, with a close second being those that thikn they are informed but dont understand shit, then thrid comes those that believe everything the media tells them and follow up on nothing, then you have the Democrats and the Repubicans whcih run a pretty tight race between themselves. Unfortuantely a lot of the first three groups will vote for the Democrat because they are told by someone to do it.

If we lived in a society of relatively informed people with a modicum of common sense we would not be where we are at today so I am cautiously optimistic but also understand the reality of the hoards of dumbasses.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-28-2012, 05:45 PM
First of all, I am a gambler, but only with honorable people, which you are not. You're simply an Obama flamethrower with no original thought.

You twist, distort and misquote to get people to say what you want them to say, because you can't respond except in a limited fashion. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If that were the case, i'd think you'd revel in the opportunity to take my money. Except that....

And if you had that kind of money, no doubt you inherited it, and I would hate to waste your parents' money on an ill considered wager by their son of limited intellect.
...you're too chicken-shit.

In fact, you're so chicken-shit that you're too damn chicken-shit to agree to a bet that's purely hypothetical in that the logistics would be nearly impossible to carry the damn thing out.

Now go away, or i shall taunt you a second time.

Odds are that things will transpire as you have described, but the chances are greater than slim that Obama could attempt to consolidate his power to negate the Congress and the Court altogether. He does not respect the Constitution, and he has enough mind-numbed robots worshiping him that it could happen.
Dude, that's just fucked up. Really. You're out there. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-28-2012, 06:01 PM
And not taking sides, which was the last president NOT to abuse executive power? Please don't tell me GWB. Or Clinton. Or Reagan. They all had their abusive moments, it's judt that in each casetheir supporters essentially claimed "But you don't understand, it was necessary in this case!" Originally Posted by Old-T
Exactly. But now all of a sudden it's going to lead to the end of the republic somehow.

I hated Bush with every fiber of my being. But never did i suspect he would attempt to seize control of the country. The people here are just seriously whacked out.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If that were the case, i'd think you'd revel in the opportunity to take my money. Except that....

...you're too chicken-shit.

In fact, you're so chicken-shit that you're too damn chicken-shit to agree to a bet that's purely hypothetical in that the logistics would be nearly impossible to carry the damn thing out.

Now go away, or i shall taunt you a second time.

Dude, that's just fucked up. Really. You're out there. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Originally Posted by Doove
Ok. Taunt me. You obviously need a life more than I do. You are getting too upset. Try some nice tea with some milk.

So you weren't even serious about the bet, and you "taunt" me for refusing it?

Seriously, you need to get back into therapy. You were doing better there for awhile. But you've got Obamania real bad.

If it makes you feel better to taunt me, go ahead. I'll brace myself. And I know you need to feel better about yourself. If this helps, I'm just doing my little bit to help my fellow little man. Taunt away, brother!

Oops, almost forgot.

I B Hankering's Avatar
It's about time this lying, corrupt bastard son of John Mitchell be cited.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy