In a recent Quinnipiac poll, an majority of Americans want SCOTUS to overturn Obamacare (50% to 39%:


and the same poll showed Americans overwhelmingly want SCOTUS to rule in favor of the Arizona immigration law (64% to 32%).
Guest123018-4's Avatar
For one they are not elected so they should not have any say in the matter.
Obama was elected, the congress that passed t was elected, the SCOTUS is just a bunch of appointed lackeys to whatever President was in office at the time Like Sotomayour and that other bitch. Imean what good is that old out dated parchment called the Constitution if it just keeps getting in the way of what Obama wants to do. I mean we all know he knows what is better for us than some rich old farts that had no skin in the game. Most of them were some honkey ass crackers that had know idea that somebody that was so awesome as Obama would come along or they never would have made it so difficult for his greatness to be achieved.
Just ask him and he will tell you himself how awesome he is and how hard the Constitution makes it for him to do what he wants.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-29-2012, 08:25 PM
In a recent Quinnipiac poll, an majority of Americans want SCOTUS to overturn Obamacare (50% to 39%:


and the same poll showed Americans overwhelmingly want SCOTUS to rule in favor of the Arizona immigration law (64% to 32%). Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Aren't you one who just this week warned about the tyrany of the majority? I guess that only works when the majority disagrees with you.

None of those polls are worth the electrons they use--I can tweek the wording to get almost any answer I want.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
SCOTUS will do what we let them do. Sometimes they're right, other times they're wrong. Their job is not to be responsive to the will of the people, their job is to be responsible to the meaning of the Constitution. This is NOT a democracy! This is (was) a republic based on the rule of law. That means, the rule of law is not subject to a majority vote of the citizens. If it were, we would have no rule of law. Kind of like, uh, now.
Again you get it all wrong. I warned against courts over ruling the popular will of the majority. If SCOTUS throws out Obamacare and rules in favor of Arizona, they are siding with the majority of Americans!

Aren't you one who just this week warned about the tyrany of the majority? I guess that only works when the majority disagrees with you.

None of those polls are worth the electrons they use--I can tweek the wording to get almost any answer I want. Originally Posted by Old-T
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is not about what a majority of America wants, it is about wheter or not it is Constitutional. The question is; does the Constitution permit the government to enact this law. It has nothing to do with if it is good for America or is a Majority of the people want it. It is all about if the Constitution permits the government that power.
The Constitution establishes the form of government and places limitation upon the government, in addition it has certain provisions insuring that the government will not be able to take away certain rights. These are not rights granted to the people but prohibitions on the government.

Obama does not want a Constitution that limits government but one that limits the people.
"What a majority of America wants" (your phrase) goes along way to keeping the confidence in our governing institutions. If any of the 3 branches ignore the will of the majority, the constituion and Republic suffers tremendously.

If SCOTUS throws out Obamacare and supports the Arizona legislation; it's a 2-fer, they are siding with the Constitution and the majority of Americans.
At this time, it is recognized that the SCOTUS has the final say on what laws are Constitutional, and which are not.

That, however, just might be subject to change if President Obama just simply ignores the SCOTUS.

It will not be the first time a President tells thye SCOTUS to kiss his ass. Lincoln did it, and so did FDR. For all general purposes, there were no reprecussions.

What recourse is there. The Constitution offers two. The first is impeachment, but since 51 Senators would at this time suck the Presidents Dick with a one finger reach around, that is not going to happen. The second is he might not be re-elected.

Elections are important. The Democrat Party is all in love with the President at this time, and seem to be willing to let him do anything he pleases. But, the tide will turn, it always does. And then, the shoe will be on the other foot, and the Democrats will be bitching and moaning about the Executive Branch having too much power.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
We have a means for changing the Constitution and it takes a majority of the States of the Republic to do so..
As a republic the majority does not always rule.