Anyone getting worried about the future?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now less than 100 days until the election. Obama is hurting for money, his negatives are rising, and his numbers are starting to slowly drop. Historically with unemployment this high, the GDP this low, and confidence way down his chances for reelection look poor. What to do?

The DHS is preparing for civil unrest at both conventions. The Tea Party doesn't do this stuff but OWS does. Obama could call them off since the have Van Jones as one of their leaders.

The DHS is preparing 30,000 drones for civil security in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. Have things gotten that bad in the last three years. Once again we have to look at OWS and their leadership with direct connections to the White House.

Why practice directing ground fire from drones that will be flying over this country?

Justice Scalia believes that the second amendment could be curtailed by the SCOTUS.

and as was posted on another thread; the possible reinstallation of the "fairness doctrine" in time to quell oppostion debate.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You really need to chill, JD and stop wringing your hands.

The fact is that there is no end to distressing news if that's only what you're focusing on.

. . . Everything is going to be fine!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-30-2012, 06:47 AM
You really need to chill, JD and stop wringing your hands.

The fact is that there is no end to distressing news if that's only what you're focusing on.

. . . Everything is going to be fine!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

Exactly. I did well when Clinton was President when all the righties thought the country was going to shit and I did well under Bush when all the Lefties thought the end was near. I have done very good under Obama .... Did you see the Stossel show on Fox? You are the classic Chicken Little.

Finally, we discussed terrorism. In this article, I discussed arguments by John Mueller and Mark Stewart, who estimate that for Homeland Security spending to pass a cost/benefit test, it would have to stop about 1,667 attacks on the scale of the Times Square bombing attempt in New York every single year (here is one of their three articles for Slate). The resources we are consuming on homeland security charades have alternative uses, and it is by no means clear that such uses as Anne Applebaum discusses here have the highest value.
To put things in perspective, the risk of dying at the hands of terrorists is trivial relative to the risks we face every single day. As my friend Steven Horwitz has put it, the most dangerous part of air travel is the drive to and from the airport (he discusses the argument here).
The sheer absurdity of government homeland security efforts was reinforced while I was going through the security checkpoint at New York’s LaGuardia Airport Tuesday night. I saw a TSA sign reading “SNOW GLOBES: PLEASE BE ADVISED SNOW GLOBES ARE NOT ALLOWED THROUGH THE SECURITY CHECKPOINT.” Just below a “no snow globes” picture was the TSA’s apparent slogan: “Your safety is our priority.” If I may, I think the first statement is evidence that the TSA’s slogan isn’t true. If it were, they would be worrying about higher-probability risks than contraband snow globes.
These are just a few examples of how you can either worry about things that aren’t worth worrying about
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, JD. Since FastGoon and WDF aren't worried, I guess we'll be fine. They didn't address any of the topics you raised, but they are certain we'll be ok. So it's no prob. Don't worry, be happy. The government will protect you.
Who me worry?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-30-2012, 10:35 AM
It is scardy cats like you and JD that are fool enough to let the government exploit you. You two fucker scared of global warming? You two worry about shit you have no control over. Like little girls wondering who will ask them to the prom!
i thought the quote was "what, me worry?"
This country isn't doing fine. We've been going through downward spiral for the past few decades. The dollar has an intrinsic value of about 80 cents and dropping. We can't recover from our debt thats not going to happen ever. I say get drunk and enjoy the ride, lol.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-30-2012, 11:29 AM
Well, JD. Since FastGoon and WDF aren't worried, I guess we'll be fine. They didn't address any of the topics you raised, but they are certain we'll be ok. So it's no prob. Don't worry, be happy. The government will protect you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

you and JD worry enough for everyone about the drones ... honestly both of you should be worried about the short bus waiting in front of your house ready to haul your asses off to la-la land.

if those pesky Aliens dont get you boys first ..

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-30-2012, 11:45 AM
JD and COG are from Mars. Tommy Lee Jones blew their brains out years ago
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-30-2012, 11:55 AM
yeah, those big red slime balls dripping from the walls and ceiling

how could I forget?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If I understand correctly, you are saying that the actions stated in JD's original post are not happening? If so, please tell us how you know. I mean, I'm sure you all are right, and there is nothing to worry about, I'd just like to know how you know that.

I'm so worried and nervous, it would be a great help if you could point out the errors in JD's post, and others. Help a guy out, ok?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I am sure that WTF, CJ7 and Ekim will always do fine because collaborators always do. I seem to recall a lot of angst from the afore named individuals when George W. Bush was in the office. Of we didn't have thousands of drones standing by to overfly America, the Partiot Act was not supercharged, and we didn't have a president with a hard on for the American dream. Turncoats??? Not the right word. True believers??? Still not the right word. We need a word to describe people like WTF, CJ7, and Ekim.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-30-2012, 02:01 PM
I am sure that WTF, CJ7 and Ekim will always do fine because collaborators always do. I seem to recall a lot of angst from the afore named individuals when George W. Bush was in the office. Of we didn't have thousands of drones standing by to overfly America, the Partiot Act was not supercharged, and we didn't have a president with a hard on for the American dream. Turncoats??? Not the right word. True believers??? Still not the right word. We need a word to describe people like WTF, CJ7, and Ekim. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

really? how do you recall that since I wanst on this board then ?

JD taps into his drone brain and conjures up a seem to recall scenario that in no way could have ever happened ...

kinda like the rest of the crap he posts every day
i thought the quote was "what, me worry?" Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Damn right my bad...