Obama is waging his war using weapons of wealth re-distribution...ObamacareTax was the 1st battlefield. Obama's next battlefield is the suburbs of America's cities; afterall, that is where the money (and middle class) are.........

"Stanley Kurtz picks up on this theme in his brilliant, must-read book Spreading The Wealth: How Obama Is Robbing The Suburbs To Pay For the Cites. Kurtz shows that spreading the wealth is the central organizing principle of Obama’s ideology, and his deepest aspiration as president.

But the centerpiece of Obama’s agenda — the redistribution of money from the suburbs to the cities — is still mostly in the plotting stages. Thus, a more accurate title for Kurtz’s book might have been “How Obama Plans To Rob The Suburbs To Pay For The Cities In A Second Term.”

How can Obama “rob the suburbs”? In brief, and to oversimplify, he hopes to accomplish this by conditioning federal grant money on the creation and/or use of “regional” bodies, as opposed to standard governmental units like cities, towns, and counties.

The regional bodies would be controlled by a coalition of cities and poorer “inner ring” suburbs and aided by regulations and additional conditions imposed by Washington to the disadvantage of the suburbs. This alliance of Washington and “regional” politicians would push for regional “revenue sharing,” consolidation of school districts, and other measures designed to halt the expansion of suburbs and eventually push people back into the cities. "

Be afraid middle class Americans, be very afraid of Obama....tick, tick, tick

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2012, 02:02 PM
hope you dont mind


Today the top 1% of households receives more pretax income than the bottom 40%. And the distribution of wealth is even more lopsided. The top 1% of households owns nearly 40% of total household wealth -- more than the bottom 90% of households combined -- and earns half of all capital income. Income and wealth are more unevenly distributed among Americans than at any time since the Jazz Age of the 1920s. On measures of income and wealth inequality, the U.S. tops the charts among the advanced industrial nations.YET RATHER THAN fashion economic policy to ameliorate the trends of growing income and wealth inequality, President Bush has championed policies that have exacerbated them. And if he is elected to a second term, he has put voters on notice that they should expect more of the same.

A recent study by the bipartisan Congressional Budget Office confirms that the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts have disproportionately benefited the wealthiest households. The tax cuts have boosted the aftertax incomes of the top 1% of households, with average incomes in excess of $1,000,000, by 10% -- compared with a 2.3% increase for middle-income families with average incomes of $57,000 and a 1.6% increase for the bottom 20% of families, with average incomes of less than $17,000. The tax cuts for millionaires alone have reduced government revenues by $90 billion a year, more than the lost revenues from tax cuts for the 80% of families making less than $100,000.

damn Obama's sorry brown-ish ass
The bush tax cuts for the wealthy are now the Obama tax cuts for the wealthy...he signed the extension, he didn't have to, he pledged not to, but he did....

And add in ObamacareTax, a $1 trillion tax that will fall mostly on the middle class......the single largest tax increase in the history of the US.


And add in the $4 trillion in debt that Obama has run up...that debt is a tax on working Americans, the middle class.

Why do you think Obama wants to redistrubte the wealth from the suburbs to the cities?

He has to go after the wealth of middle class working Americans to accomplish his agenda.

Be afraid working class Americans, Obama will kill the American Dream...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2012, 02:16 PM
The bush tax cuts for the wealthy are now the Obama tax cuts for the wealthy...he signed the extension, he didn't have to, he pledged not to, but he did....

And add in ObamacareTax, a $1 trillion tax that will fall mostly on the middle class......the single largest tax increase in the history of the US.


And add in the $4 trillion in debt that Obama has run up...that debt is a tax on working Americans, the middle class.

Why do you think Obama wants to redistrubte the wealth from the suburbs to the cities?

He has to go after the wealth of middle class working Americans to accomplish his agenda.

Be afraid working class Americans, Obama will kill the American Dream... Originally Posted by Whirlaway


when the tax cuts were extended the Bush recession was in full swing ... everyone and his dog knew that was the best thing to do

on the other side of the coin ... if Obie lets the tax cuts sunset the rabid right wing blows slobber all over the country when they scream "Obama raised taxes"

you call letting the tax cuts for the top 2% expire, and keep the tax cuts in place for the other 98% in place going after the middle class?
No, I call ObamacareTax a massive tax increase on the middle class; as well as Obama's $4 trillion in debt in less than four years......................... .

Obama is out to destroy the American middle class; kill the American dream, and make us wards of his state run government.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2012, 02:21 PM
its a good thing the debt didnt increase with any policies Bush passed ..

Irrelevant to obamas. Policies
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They always try to make this about Bush. Sad.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2012, 03:47 PM
They always try to make this about Bush. Sad. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

POOF ! its like nothing Bush did has any consequence on the situation we face today ...
Low taxes create jobs---
tax cuts in 2001-2003--
why aren't we ass deep in jobs???
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2012, 03:58 PM
Low taxes create jobs---
tax cuts in 2001-2003--
why aren't we ass deep in jobs??? Originally Posted by ekim008

all of those low taxes drove workers overseas, they'll be back and it'll happen, just give it some time
Why is Obama manuevering to steal wealth from middle class suburbia to redistribute it to urban cores which are heavily Democratic ?
Got a clue for you there is no middle class anymore just the wealthy and the new poor...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
When did the Bush recession start, was it around 2006?
When did the Bush recession start, was it around 2006? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Yup. Sure did.