Inhofe: Obama Administration 'Doesn't Want All These Pink Slips Going Out 5 Days Before Election'

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I guess he didn't look at the calendar before making this deal. LOL!

That could sting.
Obumbler screws the pooch again. Thanks Obdiot.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So, the inability of the President to come up with a passable budget will cause automatic cuts in government spending. Sweet.
I feel for the employees and hope that Obama will have come up with a way to stimulate the economy by just cant make this shit up. What a fuck up, and people will actually vote for him....
It won't hurt him one bit. Why would it if you think helping all those people to welfare, food stamps and a nice big teat is a good thing, and his constituency does.

More Obamabucks = More Votes.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You realize that the defense department is wanting contractors to break the law. The defense department is telling their contractors that something will happen but the contractors, by federal law, have to give their people 90 days advance notice of a layoff. So if they wait like the defense department wants and they are forced to lay people off in November they break the law for not giving them advance notice now.