Romney Keeps Insulting World Leaders - Part Two

BigLouie's Avatar
Republican presidential candidate Gov. Mitt Romney (MA) is trying to walk back remarks he made yesterday in Israel, according to Talking Points Memo. In an interview with Fox News’s Carl Cameron, Romney insisted that his remarks were misunderstood, that he “did not speak about the Palestinian culture or about the decisions made in their economy” and that any negative judgments against the Palestinians people were being fabricated by his listeners.

On an international tour that has been plagued by missteps and dogged by an increasingly restive press contingent, Romney made remarks yesterday to a group of donors at a $25,000-a-plate fundraiser regarding the disparity between the “economic vitality” of Israel and Palestine. Disregarding the crippling effects that heavy embargos and economic sanctions have had on the Palestinian economy, Romney blithely attributed the fact that Israelis generally make several times the average annual wages of Palestinians to the “power of culture and a few other things,” including “the hand of Providence.”

Those pronouncements kicked off a firestorm around the world. In his interview with Cameron, Romney tried to spin away the controversy, insisting that he never meant to criticize the Palestinian people.

Senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat spoke for many when he asked, “What is this man doing here?” In an interview with the Associated Press, he said, “Yesterday, he destroyed negotiations by saying Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and today he is saying Israeli culture is more advanced than Palestinian culture. Isn’t this racism?”

And then to top it all off his press secretary told everyone to kiss his ass.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Mitt Romney is on a world tour hoping to convince the world that he is strong on foreign policy with the subtext that he is therefore "Presidential" material.

However, what he really does not understand are the nuances required in different cultures and all that he is doing is showing how weak he is in handling foreign matters and appearing more buffoon than Presidential.

. . . Send in the clowns!
Can't talk about Obama's record, huh?

At least Mitt isn't bowing.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Sure I can, but that's not really the topic of discussion here.

. . . President Obama reversed the downward spiral this country was in, in case you conveniently forgot!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2012, 05:53 PM
Can't talk about Obama's record, huh?

At least Mitt isn't bowing. Originally Posted by gnadfly

(clue) did the thread title say anything about Obama?

or can I play COG and say because Obama did it, its ok for Willard to do it too?

holding Willard to standards no greater than Obies, which everyone complains about, isnt that much of an endorsement for the republican is it?

Obama did the same thing, FIRST !!! you bitch about that first, bitch about Willard second
I B Hankering's Avatar
Republican presidential candidate Gov. Mitt Romney (MA) is trying to walk back remarks he made yesterday in Israel, according to Talking Points Memo. In an interview with Fox News’s Carl Cameron, Romney insisted that his remarks were misunderstood, that he “did not speak about the Palestinian culture or about the decisions made in their economy” and that any negative judgments against the Palestinians people were being fabricated by his listeners.

On an international tour that has been plagued by missteps and dogged by an increasingly restive press contingent, Romney made remarks yesterday to a group of donors at a $25,000-a-plate fundraiser regarding the disparity between the “economic vitality” of Israel and Palestine. Disregarding the crippling effects that heavy embargos and economic sanctions have had on the Palestinian economy, Romney blithely attributed the fact that Israelis generally make several times the average annual wages of Palestinians to the “power of culture and a few other things,” including “the hand of Providence.”

Those pronouncements kicked off a firestorm around the world. In his interview with Cameron, Romney tried to spin away the controversy, insisting that he never meant to criticize the Palestinian people.

Senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat spoke for many when he asked, “What is this man doing here?” In an interview with the Associated Press, he said, “Yesterday, he destroyed negotiations by saying Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and today he is saying Israeli culture is more advanced than Palestinian culture. Isn’t this racism?”

And then to top it all off his press secretary told everyone to kiss his ass. Originally Posted by BigLouie
You do have short memory, BigLouse. You forget that's exactly what Prime Minister Netanyahu told Odumbo last year.

You remember Netanyahu, don't you, BigLouse? He's the foreign leader Odumbo keeps repeatedly insulting. You know
Netanyahu, BigLouse, he is the leader of a nation that's been a loyal, regional ally which supposedly has a nuclear arsenal; he's not the leader of bunch of rock-throwing, suicide-bombing terrorists.

The Palestinian issue is a bogus issue created by anti-Semites: nothing new.

Israeli PM Rejects 1967 Border Talk in Front of Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Showing no concrete progress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sat alongside President Barack Obama on Friday and declared that Israel would not withdraw to 1967 borders to help make way for an adjacent Palestinian state. Obama had called on Israel to be willing to do just that in a speech the day earlier.
The Israeli leader said he would make some concessions but Israel will not go back to the lines from decades earlier because they would be “indefensible.”