We’re Being Protected With ‘Invisible Cloaks’

  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2021, 08:58 AM

In the movie Crash, a dad finds his little girl hiding under her bed after she heard a noise that sounded like gunfire from the violent neighborhood they’d just moved from. To comfort her, he tells her about a cloak he’s worn since childhood, given to him by a stubby-winged fairy to protect him from knives, bullets, and other weapons. It was an invisible impenetrable cloak. To “protect” her, he pretended to remove the cloak and gently tied it around her neck.
She believed him.
In one of the most moving scenes of the film, an angry shopkeeper who mistakenly believes the young father ransacked his store, confronts him with a gun at his home. The panicked little girl, believing she was protected from bullets, jumped into her dad’s arms at the exact moment the shopkeeper pulled the trigger. The father screamed in horror over the killing of his little girl.

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Then she whispered.
“It’s OK, Daddy. I’ll protect you.” The shocked father scrambled to find the bullet wound. Not a scratch.
What none of them knew was that the shopkeeper’s own daughter had replaced real bullets with blanks. Because the shopkeeper believed the bullets were real, he also believed that the little girl was an angel. Because the little girl believed the bullets were real, she was also convinced that the invisible impenetrable cloak was real.
“It’s a really good cloak,” she whispered to her father who carried her inside the house, leaving the confused gunmen paralyzed in disbelief.
It took layers of fiction to create this heart-wrenching movie moment. Great for the big screen. Horrible in real life.
But this is exactly what Biden and his woke Democrats are doing to us. They butcher the English language to exaggerate dangers and emergencies that create mass hysteria, then hang laws, policies, and mandates around our necks that they promise will protect us. Fake protection for imaginary threats. As real “bullets” whiz by us on every side, they treat us like children who believe in the make-believe world of stubby-winged fairies and “invisible impenetrable cloaks.”

Yet we have never been more vulnerable.
Our votes are not protected. Our tax dollars are not protected. Our privacy is not protected. Our border is not protected. Our genuine thoughts and opinions are not protected. And with the push to ban guns, defund police, and pacify criminals, our lives are not protected.
Now comes Afghanistan. A real bullet with global implications. As the woke Biden administration and his woke generals tries to approach Afghanistan in the same woke way, the Afghanistan bullet shot America and the West in the back. Thanks to Joe Biden, the gaping wound is bleeding across the world.
Yet reality is not stopping Joe and his enablers. The same people who believe that men give birth is trying to make us believe that the Taliban will protect Americans evacuating from Afghanistan.
This is the same Taliban – believing a woman’s face to be a “source of corruption” – that whipped, shot, beheaded and stoned women to death in public for small offenses in the ‘90s. The same Taliban that said this week that Osama bin Laden, who claimed responsibility for 9/11, was never involved. The same Taliban that blocked thousands of terrified Afghans from getting to the Hamid Karzai airport but couldn’t block one savage ISIS-K killer from breaching the Abbey Gate to blow people up. The same Taliban that executed 22 Afghan soldiers moments after they surrendered. And the same Taliban that beheads interpreters who helped America and Britain, murders their families; goes door-to-door to hunt Christians to kill before kidnapping and raping their young daughters; and is now giving Afghans a week to turn in their guns and ammunition.

This is the Taliban that Biden and his team of woke Benghazi retreads are trusting to protect Americans’ in Afghanistan. This imaginary security – an invisible impenetrable cloak – has exposed these Americans to grave danger. Given Biden’s strategy of wood-knocking, unfortunately, atrocities are more likely than not to unfold over the next few weeks.
Biden’s poll-tested teleprompter promises can’t be trusted. Just weeks ago he said there was no way evacuations would turn into another Saigon. It’s worse. He said a force of 75,000 Taliban could not overrun a well-equipped 300,000-strong Afghan Army. They did. Knocking on wood, he told George Stephanopoulos that “no one is being killed” in Afghanistan. They are. And as he partners with viscous Taliban insurrectionists who killed and maimed thousands of American servicemembers, Biden is promising to “hunt down” the ISIS-K vermin who planned the killing of 13 Americans at Abbey Gate.

And why not? ISIS is among the most satanic vermin on Earth. A few years ago ISIS militants who starved a Yazidi woman, eventually fed her rice and meat, then told her that the meat she had just eaten was the body of her kidnapped toddler, ground to a mush.

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It’s a tragedy that Biden has worked so hard to make his words ring hollow. As long as he’s “leader of the free world,” relying on American security is like trusting invisible cloaks. Our allies (and more Americans) are starting to feel the same sick queasiness we’ve been feeling ever since he took office. The “20-year war” has ended, but the seismic shift toward something far worse has just begun.
Biden’s catastrophic Afghanistan debacle; his dictatorial executive orders; his tyrannical COVID response; the stubborn love affair with Marxism; the Democrats’ pathological rush to bankrupt America by spending trillions on “infrastructure,” racial equity, and climate change; and defunding the police – are layers of fiction that’s creating Hell on Earth in real life.
In the movie Crash, it was almost magical how the characters’ lives collided into interweaving stories. In America, it’s past time that we connect the dots between the interweaving actions by very sinister people inside America who not only want to uproot the Judeo-Christian ethic at the core of the nation’s soul but erode the basic rights and protections that we assumed were self-evident.
They’re not.
Like Afghanistan and other failed states, those rights and protections are just make-believe unless we are willing to do whatever it takes to keep them self-evident. Our real protection is a determination that shouts, “Give me liberty, or give me death”; and “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” and means every word. Without it, America would’ve been lost long ago.
As never before, it’s our turn.

Time to protect America from those intent on Our Destruction

The DPST nomenklatura is at teh top of the List!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And it's this type of stuff that politicians have been pulling for thousands of years.

Politicians caused Socrates to drink Hemlock. Ceasar murdered by other politicians. And more.
So let's mention the us of a in the late 1700's. Those were some smart folks that crafted the Constitution and the first batch of amendments. Seriously, politicians intentionally restricting what politicians can do? Well yes, they just got out of under British subjugation.

In today's world start counting how many laws politicians pass that get thrown out. Also start counting cases that get thrown out cause there's no law to support a claim. And, there's cases where political stuff gets tossed cause political procedures aren't followed.
The courts have made it quite clear that politicians have to appropriately pass laws, cause it's not the court's role to legislate. And politicians can't pass anything that conflicts with constitutional rights.
I think its simple.
Others want to to the dictatorship thing.
PolySi Ethics Class dismissed...
  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2021, 09:22 AM
Others = DPST Communists

Quite correct , Good Sir!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And it's this type of stuff that politicians have been pulling for thousands of years.

Politicians caused Socrates to drink Hemlock. Ceasar murdered by other politicians. And more.
So let's mention the us of a in the late 1700's. Those were some smart folks that crafted the Constitution and the first batch of amendments. Seriously, politicians intentionally restricting what politicians can do? Well yes, they just got out of under British subjugation.

In today's world start counting how many laws politicians pass that get thrown out. Also start counting cases that get thrown out cause there's no law to support a claim. And, there's cases where political stuff gets tossed cause political procedures aren't followed.
The courts have made it quite clear that politicians have to appropriately pass laws, cause it's not the court's role to legislate. And politicians can't pass anything that conflicts with constitutional rights.
I think its simple.
Others want to to the dictatorship thing.
PolySi Ethics Class dismissed... Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I think we need more "no"s in the consitution to restrict what politicans can do.
  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2021, 05:54 PM
!. A balanced federal budget
2. Allegiance to America
3 Commie DPST violators are Shot.
Trumptard cultists shot....
  • oeb11
  • 08-30-2021, 05:32 AM
Uh - care to elucidate the usual nonsense from teh DPST left wing academic bomb shelters????
VitaMan's Avatar
Just read the tax code for what happens after a government is established. A tax on.....everything.

"Money for nothing" is the true cause of destruction.
  • oeb11
  • 08-30-2021, 10:06 AM
'Money for nothing - get your chicks for free"

Best post ever from teh vm.
accurate description of DPST tax policy .