Internet Search

meko72's Avatar
Why is that when I go to and I do I search on my Screen name, my encounters show up even with the ROS???
gman44's Avatar
that's how Google works

We don't control Google
meko72's Avatar
Of course we cannot control Google but the we can control what Google does see.. However, The admin's of this site can Discourage search engines from indexing this site by simple settings in Cpanel that runs PHP.
There are many many forums like this that has been successful in doing so.
Not trying to be argumentative but being a IT admin for 20 years and having experience with Forums/PHP I have seen it done.
billw1032's Avatar
Are you sure about this? I tried a few searches on Google. If I follow the link, of course I wind up on this site and can see ROS if I'm logged in (since I have PA). But if I look at Google's cached copy the ROS is not there, at least for the few I tried. That indicates to me that Google doesn't "see" ROS.
ck1942's Avatar
^^^ bingo!