its happenin!!!!!!!!!!!

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today be yer glorious ...plastic mans ...biiiiiig tenth ...anniversary ons the beloved jimmie ...board!!!!!!

...guys today marks ...ten ...years a fun an wisdom an heroic leadership!

...durin those ten years not only has ...plastic man ...watched over his jimmie ...flock yer ...plastic man ...done fearlessly led his space force squadron a mexican recruits in deadly space ...combat against a threat ta earth so ...evil jesus ...himself shit his ...pants ats their approach back heres on earth yer ...plastic man ...never stopped ...fightin the endless hordes a commie ...mummies tryin ta bring downs this great an our dear ...president ...donald ...john fucking trump

...along ...the way ...plastic man ...done losts ...many friends an ...lovers who wonts fergotten likes doof an jimmie crap an pappy ...doody ans mosts ...ofs all his darlin ol mary celso takes today ta reflect an celebrate yer leader who ...dones droves ...the funnels inta ...hidin an mades it safes fer all jimmies ta cradle yer sacks whiles blissin ...ons the gold dildo a

Thank you for your service