Trapwire - They're Watching You

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A new program of surveillance ostensibly to watch for "terrorists". But as we know from the NDAA, that could be anyone, even you!

From the article:

Wonderful. Warrantless wiretapping, spy camera networks and killing American citizens or others via drone without trial or due process are not as bad as the firebombing of Dresden, Germany... therefore these things are OK? Was this an op-ed penned by Bane and the League of Shadows?

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Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-14-2012, 09:07 PM
Yes they are watching, all a person has to do is check out google earth. This is the view the government/military will let you see. I have dogs in t he yard and can tell which one is which. If the resolution on the public site is this good, think how good theirs is.