you like games????

So when I was in tx we used to do games, well I did...
I'd do pick your price, raffle and more, do any of you like games to make things interesting??? Just want to know since all this month I will be doing the raffle and just want to make sure I won't be wasting my time doing it if no ones really interested.

I don't really like playing games But I do like playing with you. How are you beautiful. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving
Aw thank you Sweet
I love games and I'd love to finally be able to see you
Gladiator69's Avatar
I like games. One of my favorites is you, naked, on a bed, maybe tied up, maybe not. You have to let me win though.
Lol well that's not a game then that's giving in... You wanna tie me up baby, let me know when and where