
er48665's Avatar
Is George Bush the Pablo Picasso of presidents?

Can he paint anything other than dogs?

Has he mastered the art of fingerpainting and moved on to more advanced techniques like water coloring?

Does this make his father proud of him?

I get the feeling you don't care for President Bush, period.
JCM800's Avatar
why not paint? ......he's got nothing else to do.
bojulay's Avatar
If he had only been accepted to art school.

ha ha ha ha
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Churchill was into masonary and when ever I get my files transfered, I will show you some of my art work
when ever I get my files transfered, I will show you some of my art work Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Please keep your porn to yourself!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I understand that Jesus was a carpenter before he went into the savior business. Harrison Ford was a finish carpenter before he became a space cowboy. Obama was a community organizer (whatever that is) before he became president. Harry Truman was a haberdasher before becoming president.

Hillary Clinton is promised $200,000 for each and every speech she makes until she announces she is running for president. Bill Clinton made over $100 million dollars within the ten years after leaving the White House. At least Bush is doing something honest and it looks like he is enjoying himself. I suspect (write this down) that he will take less money for his speeches than Bill Clinton did and give more of it to charity.
tell me that is a fake picture
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Corneyhole, one can only take what is offered for speeches. All Mr. Legacy MBA has to do is keep from going bankrupt - again. Of course, compared to the rate negotiated for you by the Sanitation Engineers' Local 542, what he'll get per speech probably looks pretty good.
I understand that Jesus was a carpenter before he went into the savior business. Harrison Ford was a finish carpenter before he became a space cowboy. Obama was a community organizer (whatever that is) before he became president. Harry Truman was a haberdasher before becoming president.

Hillary Clinton is promised $200,000 for each and every speech she makes until she announces she is running for president. Bill Clinton made over $100 million dollars within the ten years after leaving the White House. At least Bush is doing something honest and it looks like he is enjoying himself. I suspect (write this down) that he will take less money for his speeches than Bill Clinton did and give more of it to charity. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

JD sucked dicks until he became a maintenance engineer and found this board.
er48665's Avatar
Damn this was suppose to be a humorous post but some people have to make everything political.

I just thought it was funny he likes to paint dogs.

I'm guessing if his paintings don't sell well, he could always move back with his parents to save money on rent.
I personally don't want dogs with pastel backgrounds hanging on my wall, but it's 100 times better than what I thought he could do. It's funny that he obviously couldn't give a rats ass about politics or what happens now, I can't say I blame him.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I like the dogs playing poker.