In! Dallas Searching for information. .... Please tell me stories...

Hi Dallas this is NOT A Hobby ad. I am in Dallas until noon in search of information about Dallas 40 yrs ago. This is very important to me so please don't mistake this and give me an infraction. If i get enough response,i might be inclined to stay a while to continue my research. I know it's a long shot but if there is anyone that could give me any information about Dallas 40 yrs ago please pretty please contact me we can have coffee at the waffle house my treat and you can tell me stories about Dallas 40 yrs ago while I pick your brain. I have been looking for this information for 13 yrs . Please help me .

I will be having dinner at the waffle house if anyone provider hobbyist mod anyone wants to tell me stories about dallas 40 years ago. Please no bs. I love storytime anyways.
Chung Tran's Avatar
you are making me want to guess what exactly it is you want, LOL.. the Cullen Davis Mansion murder was in Fort Worth, so I know that's not it!
I am looking for information about someone doesnt have to be identifying information although that would be soooooo appreciated, but not necessary i would love to hear the stories while i kill time searching. .. Even stories about the gambling gogo girl hobby. Etc anything that gets me closer to finding him..
UPDATE: I am @ waffle House having dinner doing research. HMU 2 find out where.

pyramider's Avatar
Short version--anything with Dallas on it is inept and corrupt.
billw1032's Avatar
If no one showed up, it may be because there are at least 16 locations of Waffle House in the Dallas area.

It's hard to tell what kind of information you are looking for. If it's a serious search for historical info on Dallas, I would start at the Sixth Floor Museum. It's rather narrowly focused on the JFK assassination, but the people there should be connected to other historical information sources in Dallas. Just ask. If necessary, talk to the manager.

On the other hand, if you just want to meet people and talk stories you might want to specify which Waffle House.
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
Waffle House in Shady Trail.

Love the food.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I have no idea what you're searching for but I'm a Dallas native and was very familiar with Dallas 40 years ago.

If you wish to PM me, who knows? I possibly could assist.

But with all due respect, I have no intention of meeting a stranger at a Waffle House.

PM'ing me is fine.

where is that lol ok well i think its time for a drink i am by spring valley rd and s central expressway any sauggestions?
oops suggestions
billw1032's Avatar
where is that lol ok well i think its time for a drink i am by spring valley rd and s central expressway any sauggestions? Originally Posted by EveParadise
I assume you mean north central expressway, in Richardson?
Fox and Hound, maybe. NW corner of Campbell and Central Expressway. Three exits north from Spring Valley on Central Expressway. It's a sports bar, though.

Or Sherlock's may be more of what you're looking for. Go west on Belt Line, almost to the Tollway. A little farther, though.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Is she looking for mommy or daddy? Lord help me if I have to use this place for genealogy research.
well thanks for the input i am backing back into my sub corner now. but first i am going to be just a little sassy. If my parents were not living lifestyles that mix so easily with hobby, i would not have bothered asking.
It just so happens that my dad was a gambler and owned some gogo clubs my mom called them... my mom was a gogo girl that worked for my dad. hence coaligns with hobby. sorry i bothered to ask. i have beentrying for 13 years. iguess its time to give up. thank you to those of you who did help sorry to offend those i offened back to sa i go.
sorry seems as though i cant spell when i am upset. i meant offended