What the Trump Haters Really Believe


This is a self described explanation of what the Trump haters really believe. Have a 10 minute civil conversation with any Hillarite, and this is essentially what you get.

The whole article is essentially a description of Chavezism

What is a leftist?

If this all this is getting a bit bewildering, welcome to left politics. Rather than generalizing about what "real" leftists should believe, I'll summarize my views:

Capitalism is an unjust wealth-concentrating system that is ecologically unsustainable. Either we transcend the pathology of capitalism or dystopian science fiction will become everyday life in the not-so-distant future. There is no credible defense of the obscene inequality or disregard for the larger living world that's inherent in capitalism.

The assertion by the U.S. that it's the world's exemplar and natural leader is a dangerous delusion that must yield to meaningful diplomacy and trade policies based on moral principles. not raw power. There is no hope for global cooperation when the U.S. maintains hundreds of military bases and facilities in other countries, designed not for defense but to assert U.S. dominance.

Liberals and conservatives disagree about how government policy should constrain the sociopathic nature of capitalism, but both embrace capitalist ideology. Liberals and conservatives disagree about how the U.S. should run the world, but neither challenge the country's right to dominate.

What do leftists propose as an alternative to a global capitalist economy undergirded by military might? I'm not a revolutionary utopian, preferring innovative ways to work toward left values. Two examples:

The worker cooperative movement helps people establish worker-owned and worker-managed businesses within capitalism, creating spaces for real democracy in the economy. An example in my hometown of Austin is ATX Coop Taxi, owned and managed by the drivers. The most well-known cooperative enterprise is Mondragón, a Spanish federation of cooperatives with thousands of worker-owners. These businesses offer a model for a transition out of capitalism.

National health insurance, sometimes known as single-payer or Medicare-for-all, would lower health care costs while rejecting the cruel capitalist assertion that people without money are expendable. Most developed countries have adopted this, but U.S. politicians routinely reject it, even though polls show a majority or a plurality of U.S. voters like the idea. This kind of commitment to collective flourishing challenges obsessions with amoral individualism so common among U.S. capitalists.
Danson&Highsmith's Avatar
That article is very scary. I can't begin to comprehend how someone has reached these conclusions. The way this guy talks about the planet, it sounds like he would be happy with a culling of the population (i.e. purge) which I would disagree with. We need to keep advancing our technology and population knowledge forward and not stop or move backward. For the very world you are trying to save through environmental friendly methods, could ultimately have things happen outside of the control of anyone that could wipe us all out, so we need to be prepared and have a plan for that day (which may involve leaving this planet). Societies also benefit from freedom and social mobility, which so far capitalism has provided better than other systems for allocating resources. Sounds like he is rejecting his own advice to be realistic about being radical as other radical movements have not produced results really worth repeating.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
more on the trump haters by ann coulter


no let up on those attacks.

funny one, guy kills a man because he thought he was Trump and was proud of it.
bamscram's Avatar
What would the difference be between a person who dislikes Trump and a person who dislikes Obama, or Clinton?
Lenny you are so retarded the Trump haters are willing to kill, I don't remember any one in Obama's term or Clinton's time in office being shot by some whacko because they disapprove of their policies
bamscram's Avatar
Lenny you are so retarded the Trump haters are willing to kill, I don't remember any one in Obama's term or Clinton's time in office being shot by some whacko because they disapprove of their policies Originally Posted by gary5912
Ekim if you weren't brain dead then you would remember the hate was the same then as now.
There was even two people named Reagan and Kennedy to disprove your theory.
I went to the link and read the entire thing.

What the Author is missing is a basic understanding of Human Nature, which by the way, is the one constant throughout History.

Times and Events change, but Human Nature remains constant.

She's a fukin Marxist, she just doesn't realize it. Her utopian society mirrors Marist views.

But even Marx recognized that someone has to be in charge. This usually morphs into a "Thugocracy", as history has proven. It's Human Nature.

This means, "get in line, or get against the wall".

I have said it before. I am all for any of these anti-capitalist/socialist forms of Government. As long as I can be on top.

I will have my "Dacha on the Volga" and this "professor" will be digging potatoes in the Gulag.
That would be a good place for retarded lenny in the gulag, but he would be digging dingleberrys
bamscram's Avatar
That would be a good place for retarded lenny in the gulag, but he would be digging dingleberrys Originally Posted by gary5912
Ekim, you are parroting like your lover gay rey.

You lemmings just repeat one another like good little lemmings.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Ekim if you weren't brain dead then you would remember the hate was the same then as now.
There was even two people named Reagan and Kennedy to disprove your theory. Originally Posted by bamscram
False assumptions. Reagan was not shot because he was hated by the country. He was shot because of a mad man who wanted Jodie Foster to notice him.

Kennedy was not as beloved as he is today but he was not hated accept in certain parts of the country. The fact of the matter is that we still don't know exactly why Oswald shot him. Oswald was all over the map on politics and attitude. It wasn't like he was trying to impress his wife or Jodie Foster's mother. We do know that Kennedy was a popular president at the time.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It is the fault, and goal, of education and entertainment. We have voluntarily put into play the same system that the USSR had to force into existence. If you read about how children were trained from the earliest ages you might start to recognize our education system. Universal leftist values taught early on that get more and more strident as you go through the system. Volunteerism is praised and being one of the crowd is the goal of so many students. Young Pioneers had many of the same goals. Regurgitate what you were taught, be recognized as the best sheep of the flock, and advance to more indoctrination. The education is not completely universal as this is still a free country and the system cannot legally refuse a conservative a teaching certificate. By the time a student gets to college they will happily march and wave their banners, spout their slogans, and be useful idiots for the cause. Couple this with a media/entertainment industry is pretty one sided (still a free country so not universally leftist) just like Soviet TV. The shows will have good leftist values, the news will have a leftish slant, and more importantly, the decision about what is news will come from a leftist point of view. We did it to ourselves voluntarily. We didn't need some big government bureacracy make it illegal to do otherwise. But listen to those kids on campus...they want to make it illegal to say some things, to think some things, or to be some things. They will willing embrace the Soviet ideal because they aspire to that goal because they have been taught to just that. Our children are becoming our own worst enemy.
Hey retarded lenny what was the title of this thread, and who injected Obama and Clinton into the discussion, you fucking moron Reagan and Kennedy
bamscram's Avatar
Lenny you are so retarded the Trump haters are willing to kill, I don't remember any one in Obama's term or Clinton's time in office being shot by some whacko because they disapprove of their policies Originally Posted by gary5912
Hey retarded lenny what was the title of this thread, and who injected Obama and Clinton into the discussion, you fucking moron Reagan and Kennedy Originally Posted by gary5912
Hey ekim who started the shit? Just another stupid fucking lemming. YOU
bamscram's Avatar
False assumptions. Reagan was not shot because he was hated by the country. He was shot because of a mad man who wanted Jodie Foster to notice him.

Kennedy was not as beloved as he is today but he was not hated accept in certain parts of the country. The fact of the matter is that we still don't know exactly why Oswald shot him. Oswald was all over the map on politics and attitude. It wasn't like he was trying to impress his wife or Jodie Foster's mother. We do know that Kennedy was a popular president at the time. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
All three shooters had a agenda.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I went to the link and read the entire thing.

What the Author is missing is a basic understanding of Human Nature, which by the way, is the one constant throughout History.

Times and Events change, but Human Nature remains constant.

She's a fukin Marxist, she just doesn't realize it. Her utopian society mirrors Marist views.

But even Marx recognized that someone has to be in charge. This usually morphs into a "Thugocracy", as history has proven. It's Human Nature.

This means, "get in line, or get against the wall".

I have said it before. I am all for any of these anti-capitalist/socialist forms of Government. As long as I can be on top.

I will have my "Dacha on the Volga" and this "professor" will be digging potatoes in the Gulag. Originally Posted by Jackie S
anne coulter is a marxist?