Trip to Greece

I know about the trip and I have never been for it. Simply because I am a Captain that is a traditional fellow. Having considered the Greece spot on the map an exit only for years I have had no interest in it. However....I had a lady that I have seen several times over the last year ask me to visit her in Greece. I was a little annoyed at her but at the same time her heavy breathing and wispering to me to do this trip was making me consider it. But....stopping at the y and pursuing that led to a finally for her and the trip was shelved. I do not see the reward in it.........but not having tried it I am probably not informed enough to have a valid opinion. My information about it is that it can be "fun" for both parties involved but experience.........What thinks you?
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I've only been interested in doing it "just once" to find out what all the fuss is about. I suspect that when the dust settles I'd discover that it's highly overrated.


Hangtime's Avatar
According to the late, great Christopher Hitchens...

"The four most over-rated things in life are champagne, lobster, anal sex and picnics"

This doesn't necessarily reflect pro or con regarding my views on the four topics Mr. Hitchens mentioned, just what I thought of in reading this post.
It intensifies the whole sexual experience for me, but I am picky who I allow go back there.
Well Mina I guess I would be picky too if I were on that end of the stick sorta speaking....I would just assume that the size of the implement of destruction would dictate (no pun intended) who might pass go. From my vantage point I am not interested in anyone or thing passing go. I would do unto others (lady friends) only if requested to do so and still feel that the near by option is better and is the intended target for this sorta thing. That being said I hear some talk among providers that they like it and some I am sure just do it per partner request. It is interesting but it might be akin to a skunk...........and that would not make me like it.
vicinms's Avatar
I've only been there a few times myself and then it was usually at the ladies request. I have no problem with it and it gives a "different" feel than the traditional port, and therefore different ways to enter that port. For most ladies, it requires also charge an additional boarding fee for that port and is the reason why, I've rarely visited.
I don't charge extra, just has to be with a certain size and intense chemistry
Guest061513-1's Avatar
I'm going to go with Mina on this

For years I loved taking trips
Traveling is one of my ATFs
Now it's been so long I'm kinda scared of it again
Like the first time you got on a plane after911
I need to work myself up to it
Have a good travel buddy to hold my hand during take off
One that's good at following directions
so we get to the right destination
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
I have found a number of ladies who really enjoy the heightened sexual experience anal sex provides for them. Since I enjoy it as well, I'm happy to help out.

Isn't that right JAG?
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
I've never been to Greece either. Don't know what I might be missing should I wish to explore that port. (retaining the nautical and geographic terms).

There is one provider I know who is now retired but still sees some of us. She has said that she only made that journey once, years ago, but would share the trip with me if I wanted to. There would be no "upcharge" for that visit.

I'm neither for nor against other people exploring that geographic location, And I'm told that I am probably equipped for that journey in a way that would make docking easier than most guys (lol).

It never before occured to me that being more streamlined in configuration might be an advantage, should I decide the seek out a Greek port. It just hasn't had much attraction for me. Maybe I should reconsider her offer?
Doesn't hurt to at least try it brer!
  • DinDC
  • 04-17-2013, 05:20 PM
I had tried it a couple of times and was never much for it until I met another Mississippi provider who just "popped me in there" one day with no big production, no drama! It was amazing! Since then she and I have found an amazing array of sensations for both of us to experience back there...

Not sure if/when I would ever try it with someone else, but she and I have an incredible time with it...
Lea Madisson's Avatar
I have to agree with Mina about the increased sensation. I enjoy it with the right person (and right size!!)... No extra charge because... well, to me it can very easily be a part of the whole experience!


JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
+1 for Mina and Lea!