My Plan To Celebrate

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Didn't want to post this next week as it would be unsportsmanlike conduct.

However, just a glimpse into the night of Nov 8th as the announcement comes across the Associated Press (AP) wire. This is how I plan to celebrate if my candidate wins.

In honor of the man the one and only Mr. Sam Cooke:

For those that don't know the late great:

Side Note: Just fyi I think he was killed by an escort in the 1950's that tried to rob him.

Fishpie's Avatar
I can actually see you have some sense of intelligence by using the word "if".
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ I'm superstitious like that but I want to give Trump the .0000000000000001% of respect he deserves.
and Hillary deserves more??
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Listen my real beef with Trump is that I think he's Literally an incompetent moron. He's inarticulate, can't hold a cohesive thought together, lacks any real knowledge Geo-Politics and has no desire to learn. He's a typical legacy based admissions kid. He hasn't worked for a dam thing in his life on the strength of his knowledge and abilities (from the books others wrote for him to the buildings others built for him). He inherited his money from his dad, hired a bunch of lawyers and accountants to help him manage it, and was able to keep it afloat despite 6 bankruptcies. He's basically had people doing his homework for him his entire life and I just can't respect that. I literally see a dummy when he speaks. He's undisciplined, can't stay on script and can barely read the teleprompter. See the effect he has I can barely type coherently myself when talking about this clown as I don't know where to start.

His main 3 slogans that are very Sarah Palinish are:

She's bad
It's a disaster
Make America Great Again

He cannot articulate a SINGLE FUCKING POINT and it drives me nuts. I cannot and will not accept his appalling level of stupidity and I can't for the life of me understand why you folks can. It drives me fucking nuts to see people willing and openly cheering for his level of incompetence. Yes Hillary very well may be all that you describe but at least she's fucking competent.

Rant over I feel much better now.
LexusLover's Avatar
Didn't want to post this next week as it would be unsportsmanlike conduct. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
NP: I'll post it for you!!!! You're ignorance surfaces again.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
To quote the great American hero Rick Perry:

Hahahahahahajaja !!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I do get an A for originality
Incomplete... No grade
TryWeakly's Avatar
pssssst... Trump won , don't tell anyone.