another black athlete goes to jail

VitaMan's Avatar
Now Darren Sharper ex NFL player goes to jail for 20 years for
multiple drug induced rapes.

Mike Tyson, Bill Cosby, Evander Holyfield, etc, etc. etc..........if only they
had found eccie
pyramider's Avatar
Sharper is a serial rapist. Does icky really need a serial rapist among the fucktardum?
jstone420's Avatar
This is old news
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-30-2016, 05:58 AM
I did not know Evander got in trouble for rape let alone drug induced. Mike was bull shitted on that case I never thought it happened. And again I don't think it was drug induced its been a while but I don't remember that part. The cases you're talking about are so far apart. Its kinda like saying another white guy is found storing women in his basement. And acting like there is a rash of that going on just cuz every now and then a story like that comes out.

And that guy is right if you're a rapeing kinda guy I doubt eccie would be helpful for anyone. I don't think the ladies like seeing rapist.
You know,this is a true fetish for some. The whole drugged rape thing.

One of the only things I remember from my high school education, is NEVER SET YOUR DRINK DOWN!

And as far as rape-y type on here.... you guys would be shocked at the weird requests I've gotten, and have played the victim in some role play sessions, and I was just happy to fulfill the fantasy without an innocent being hurt.

But back to the original topic, I am all for prosecuting those who are guilty of crossing that line, but think it's bull Shit to come after someone years and years later.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I did not know Evander got in trouble for rape let alone drug induced. Originally Posted by Trey
Me neither...

Mike was bull shitted Originally Posted by Trey
Mike was the one who got fucked on this deal...I got so worked up about it I stuck a "FREE MIKE TYSON" bumper sticker on my truck, which pissed off a whole bunch of libtard white women. Actually, that case still bugs me.
O'Mike's Avatar
Be interesting to see how many HOF votes he gets.

IIRC, voters are not supposed to consider off field issues, only what he did as a player.

jstone420's Avatar
If you a millionaire you shouldn't have to take the pussy
Why don't they ever show the athletes fuck ups?
VitaMan's Avatar
If you a millionaire you shouldn't have to take the pussy Originally Posted by jstone420

That is kind of the point of this thread. They all have plenty of money, if they would have found and gotten on eccie, the supply would be endless.

Instead............some of them get absolutely NOTHING
They're afraid of being extorted slash outed.
They're afraid of being extorted slash outed. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Not all of them, I've seen a Texans player come into my job with a chick from here I recognize...
lol maybe he's a pimp?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I still do not understand why people fall for the celebrity/sports figure bullshit. They are just people with a job to do no different than most. Most celebrity people have barely a high school education yet people fawn over what they have to say like they are a fucking genius or something. They are just people that have had, to some, better fortune in life for whatever reason. Why hold them atop some pedestal when they are just as flawed as the garbageman that picks up your trash.
I mean some of these football players act like they have never ever scored a touchdown in their life or caught a ball or made a tackle. It's their fucking job. Truth is, there are probably a lot of people that could have been or would have been better than those asshats ever could dream of being but they took a different path.

I suppose there are those that like to see the mighty fall and rejoice in it like they had some part in that effort. Bullshit. They are just people and some are worse than others.