Change of plans .... No longer available.

Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Well I know my ad stated next week would be my last before maternity vacation but as most of knows you can't completely plan these things lol.

I went into labor yesterday afternoon (so if you called, I apologize) and this morning I am glad to say I delivered a very healthy baby. I won't be available for play any where from 4 to 6 weeks. And believe I will be so ready by then !!!! Keep in touch everyone. Play safe and naughty !

To my regulars : please do not hesitate to use me for a reference if needed. I will still be checking my email and work phone.

Can't wait to get back !!
bamatide's Avatar
sushiguy's Avatar
Marcus78's Avatar
Congratulations Ms. Jezabelle!
Awesome!! Congrats sweetie!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-16-2011, 12:48 PM
Awesome news!

All the best to you and your family!
yaya congratulations <3
Coolpops's Avatar
Way to go Jezz, hope you and your little one are doing
Congratulation Jezz. Hope to see you soon.
Tazion's Avatar
LuvsDaty's Avatar
Congrats! Wish You and Your Baby The Best!
Congrats Jez...hope you and the little one are doing well!!

aWWW Felizidades a tu bebe preciosa!!!
PaganGuy's Avatar
Blessings to you and your family sweetie!
(If you're interested you can PM me exact day and time and an email addy and I can send you a full astrological natal chart... was the first thing my wife did when she got home from the hospital with our little girl, but we're a little odd)