John Kelly Is A Disgrace to His Country And A Deplorable Human Being.

StandinStraight's Avatar
John Kelly is a liar a racist and a sexist that condones the abuse of women. He is a embarrassment to his country and should be stripped of his military stripes.
Our military doesn’t need more money it needs better leaders.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
John F. Kelly is an american hero and you are a homosexual rabbit. bahahahaha

i had really hoped to spare you this, Prof. Sparky Rabbit Fag, i really did. But your unpatriotic communist antifa anarchist socialist libartdizm requires the most severe of measures.

i therefore invoke the "Bellerophon protocol"


John Kelly is a liar a racist and a sexist that condones the abuse of women. He is a embarrassment to his country and should be stripped of his military stripes.
Our military doesn’t need more money it needs better leaders. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I wonder if John Kelly is related to the other scumbag with the same last name , Scott Kelly the Astronut. Since you do so much extensive research. Look it up for us dickhead and see if they are connected at the hip somehow.

AND since, when has not immediately firing someone, JUST CAUSE A WOMAN ACCUSED THEM of something, meaning that he condones it?
LexusLover's Avatar
AND since, when has not immediately firing someone, JUST CAUSE A WOMAN ACCUSED THEM of something, meaning that he condones it? Originally Posted by garhkal
Kelly was in the military where there is due process, and StandingInShit hasn't been in any activity in which due process is a standard. And it shows.

The same ignorant, Nazis bastards who chastise Trump for allegedly considering to summarily fire Mueller based on accusations alone are now criticizing Trump for not having instantly fired Porter based on accusations alone ... even some of the stupid conservative media hosts and hostesses, who have been intimidated by the "socially correct" Anti-Trumper/Liberals and their "culture police," are asking dumb questions like: "When did Kelly KNOW?" or "When did "the President" KNOW?"

"KNOW" what?
StandinStraight's Avatar
Kelly was in the military where there is due process, and StandingInShit hasn't been in any activity in which due process is a standard. And it shows.

The same ignorant, Nazis bastards who chastise Trump for allegedly considering to summarily fire Mueller based on accusations alone are now criticizing Trump for not having instantly fired Porter based on accusations alone ... even some of the stupid conservative media hosts and hostesses, who have been intimidated by the "socially correct" Anti-Trumper/Liberals and their "culture police," are asking dumb questions like: "When did Kelly KNOW?" or "When did "the President" KNOW?"

"KNOW" what? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Unpatriotic isn’t me, unpatriotic is knowing you are passing highly classified information to a man unable to pass FBI clearance because he beats his wife to the point of being black and blue and doing nothing about it. Unpatriotic is then covering up for the wife beater and blaming the beaten woman. Unpatriotic is then ordering your subordinates to lie and cover up for you putting them at risk. It takes a small man to abuse and beat women and Porter, trump and Kelly all seem to be small enough to deserve the title of deplorable human beings!

This is what happens when you put a deplorable in the White House , trump hires other deplorables and together they all go up in flames because they are societies worst, Kelly , trump , Bannon , porter , Flynn , Manafort , Sorensen, all deplorable human beings that deserve to be locked up. Lock Them Up Bob Mueller, Lock Them Up!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Unpatriotic isn’t me, unpatriotic is knowing you are passing highly classified information to a man unable to pass FBI clearance because he beats his wife to the point of being black and blue and doing nothing about it. Unpatriotic is then covering up for the wife beater and blaming the beaten woman. Unpatriotic is then ordering your subordinates to lie and cover up for you putting them at risk. It takes a small man to abuse and beat women and Porter, trump and Kelly all seem to be small enough to deserve the title of deplorable human beings!

This is what happens when you put a deplorable in the White House , trump hires other deplorables and together they all go up in flames because they are societies worst, Kelly , trump , Bannon , porter , Flynn , Manafort , Sorensen, all deplorable human beings that deserve to be locked up. Lock Them Up Bob Mueller, Lock Them Up! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

"Bellerophon protocol" !!!!!!!


NoTell's Avatar
Unpatriotic isn’t me, unpatriotic is knowing you are passing highly classified information to a man unable to pass FBI clearance because he beats his wife to the point of being black and blue and doing nothing about it. Unpatriotic is then covering up for the wife beater and blaming the beaten woman. Unpatriotic is then ordering your subordinates to lie and cover up for you putting them at risk. It takes a small man to abuse and beat women and Porter, trump and Kelly all seem to be small enough to deserve the title of deplorable human beings!

This is what happens when you put a deplorable in the White House , trump hires other deplorables and together they all go up in flames because they are societies worst, Kelly , trump , Bannon , porter , Flynn , Manafort , Sorensen, all deplorable human beings that deserve to be locked up. Lock Them Up Bob Mueller, Lock Them Up! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Donald Trump the most patriotic man ever!!!

Doesn’t just make you feel warm all over!!! Lol
LexusLover's Avatar
Unpatriotic isn’t me,... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I don't believe I've ever called you "unpatriotic," since I don't toss that label around loosely, just like I don't toss the label of "wife beater" around loosely ... as well as some other highly charged accusations like .... "Russian spy" and "colluding/fraternizing with the enemy"! I also believe in Due Process. You don't know what that is. I do. I respect it. I insist upon it.


You on the other hand are just a PIECE OF SHIT!

The likes of you is why we have sewers and toilets to facilitate the removal of shit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't believe I've ever called you "unpatriotic," since I don't toss that label around loosely, just like I don't toss the label of "wife beater" around loosely ... as well as some other highly charged accusations like .... "Russian spy" and "colluding/fraternizing with the enemy"! I also believe in Due Process. You don't know what that is. I do. I respect it. I insist upon it.


You on the other hand are just a PIECE OF SHIT!

The likes of you is why we have sewers and toilets to facilitate the removal of shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover

FUCK HIM. he's a Chernobyl meltdown in progress.

"Bellerophon protocol" !!!!!!!


ignore his threads!
he is dead here!


i own you, my young apprentice!!!!


StandinStraight's Avatar
I don't believe I've ever called you "unpatriotic," since I don't toss that label around loosely, just like I don't toss the label of "wife beater" around loosely ... as well as some other highly charged accusations like .... "Russian spy" and "colluding/fraternizing with the enemy"! I also believe in Due Process. You don't know what that is. I do. I respect it. I insist upon it.


You on the other hand are just a PIECE OF SHIT!

The likes of you is why we have sewers and toilets to facilitate the removal of shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes you are right, Roy Moore was innocent, so is Trump and Flynn and Manafort and Papadopolous and Porter and Kelly and Sorensen. All the women are liars, all the photos of black eyes are fake, all the confessions and plea bargains are fabricated, the Steele dossier is fake, it’s all made up and all these middle age white guys are innocent and good guys just like you.

I guess you agree then that Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama are good people and everything you have ever said about them you were wrong about since they never were given due process or found guilty of anything in a court of law, wouldn’t you agree oh he who doesn’t accuse anyone easily?

Or does your bullshit only apply to middle age white racist guys?
LexusLover's Avatar
Yes you are right, Roy Moore was innocent, so is Trump and Flynn and Manafort and Papadopolous and Porter and Kelly and Sorensen. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You forgot O.J. Simpson.

He's "innocent" of murdering his wife and her toy-boy.

Like I said, stupid ass, I'm a believer in "Due Process" and the "Presumption of Innocence" that is a part of EVERY jury instruction in every criminal case in this country, Federal or State. (And if it's not there will be a retrial!).

But you already knew that didn't you "Political Science Professor"?

So, you are a fucking liar on top of being a dumbshit!

A more current event reason for believing strongly in "Due Process" being ENFORCED is so politically biased FBI agents can't go to a Federal Judge and obtain a wiretapping order to listen and see communications from U.S. citizens without their prior or current knowledge. Even you!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Typical. Blame Trump for something someone else did.

LexusLover's Avatar
Typical. Blame Trump for something someone else did.

Next... Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Trump had nothing to do with StandingInShit's creation. In fact rumor has it that his mother is uncertain as to which one it was!

Like Bill Clinton ... but in this case he's nothing like Bill.

Bill lies publicly and "on the record"!
StandinStraight's Avatar
You forgot O.J. Simpson.

He's "innocent" of murdering his wife and her toy-boy.

Like I said, stupid ass, I'm a believer in "Due Process" and the "Presumption of Innocence" that is a part of EVERY jury instruction in every criminal case in this country, Federal or State. (And if it's not there will be a retrial!).

But you already knew that didn't you "Political Science Professor"?

So, you are a fucking liar on top of being a dumbshit!

A more current event reason for believing strongly in "Due Process" being ENFORCED is so politically biased FBI agents can't go to a Federal Judge and obtain a wiretapping order to listen and see communications from U.S. citizens without their prior or current knowledge. Even you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You did not answer my question dipshit, do you admit then that Hillary and Obama have been unjustly accused by conservatives of being guilty of things that they are innocent of since they were never found guilty in a court of law?

Do you agree That Hillary and Obama are patriots since you do not lightly throw around the term unpatriotic without due process and guilt being proven in a court of law?

Or will you not admit to these things because your full of bullshit and really just a deplorable?