Bernie Sanders Blasts Michael Bloomberg's $30 Million Ad Blitz, Says He's Disgusted

  • oeb11
  • 11-23-2019, 09:44 AM

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders ripped into former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's $30 million advertising campaign, as the latter is reportedly considering entering the 2020 Democratic presidential race.
In a statement released Friday, Sanders slammed the billionaire.
Sanders' statement came after The New York Times reported that Bloomberg spent over $30 million for a week's worth of campaign ads. Sanders thought the move this late in the 2020 race was an attempt to bypass the traditional political process.
"I'm disgusted by the idea that Michael Bloomberg or any other billionaire thinks they can circumvent the political process and spend tens of millions of dollars to buy our elections," Sanders said.

The massive amount of money spent on the ad campaign is significantly more than each Democratic candidate, with the exception of billionaire Tom Steyer, spent on ads in 2019. The Hill reported that Bloomberg's ad campaign is the largest amount any candidate has spent for a week of advertising.
"It's just the latest example of a rigged political system that we are going to change when we're in the White House," Sanders said.

Sanders also set himself apart from the billionaire candidate in the release, emphasizing the grassroots support and growth that his 2016 campaign had. "If you can't build grassroots support for your candidacy, you have no business running for president," he said.
Sanders declared that the former mayor's late decision to join the race is mainly informed by the amount of money he can spend on his campaign. He advised that many voters will see through Bloomberg's efforts. "The American people are sick and tired of the power of billionaires, and I suspect they won't react well to someone trying to buy an election," he said.
At an Iowa rally earlier this month, Sanders also warned Bloomberg that Americans will not let a billionaire "buy this election." He declared that his campaign would put a stop to billionaires and wealthy campaign donors from dominating the political system. "Tonight we say to Michael Bloomberg and other billionaires: sorry, you ain't going to buy this election," he said at the time. "You're not going to buy this election by spending hundreds of millions of dollars on media in California. Those days are gone."

What Bernieis really pissed about - another old white guy has joined the race, and Bernie has not enough money to keep up with Bloomberg.

hence the "Buy the election" accusations.

Like Bernie is not spending millions on himself - he is a multimillionaire and owns 3 homes.

"buy my socialism - but don't look at how i live and how i will forced the standard of living to shit in America with my policies."
somehow the surgeons found a heart in the old husk in which to place a stent. I don't think they will be that lucky a second time - and further heart disease will occur !!!

he wants to stop billionaires from participating in elections - by taxing Billionaires out of existence. Of course - he will draw a line to prevent confiscatory wealth taxes he enacts from taking his own multi-millions.

hypocritical communist who spent his honeymoon in soviet Russia with Communist party operatives.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
bernie is too funny.... wanna be commie shitting in his pants. too funny.

  • oeb11
  • 11-23-2019, 11:49 AM
Thank You DF - Bernie is a commie - he would have preferred to live under Lenin or Stalin.

would that that could have been - he would have been purged for sure.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders ripped into former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's $30 million advertising campaign, as the latter is reportedly considering entering the 2020 Democratic presidential race.
In a statement released Friday, Sanders slammed the billionaire.
Sanders' statement came after The New York Times reported that Bloomberg spent over $30 million for a week's worth of campaign ads. Sanders thought the move this late in the 2020 race was an attempt to bypass the traditional political process.
"I'm disgusted by the idea that Michael Bloomberg or any other billionaire thinks they can circumvent the political process and spend tens of millions of dollars to buy our elections," Sanders said.

The massive amount of money spent on the ad campaign is significantly more than each Democratic candidate, with the exception of billionaire Tom Steyer, spent on ads in 2019. The Hill reported that Bloomberg's ad campaign is the largest amount any candidate has spent for a week of advertising.
"It's just the latest example of a rigged political system that we are going to change when we're in the White House," Sanders said.

Sanders also set himself apart from the billionaire candidate in the release, emphasizing the grassroots support and growth that his 2016 campaign had. "If you can't build grassroots support for your candidacy, you have no business running for president," he said.
Sanders declared that the former mayor's late decision to join the race is mainly informed by the amount of money he can spend on his campaign. He advised that many voters will see through Bloomberg's efforts. "The American people are sick and tired of the power of billionaires, and I suspect they won't react well to someone trying to buy an election," he said.
At an Iowa rally earlier this month, Sanders also warned Bloomberg that Americans will not let a billionaire "buy this election." He declared that his campaign would put a stop to billionaires and wealthy campaign donors from dominating the political system. "Tonight we say to Michael Bloomberg and other billionaires: sorry, you ain't going to buy this election," he said at the time. "You're not going to buy this election by spending hundreds of millions of dollars on media in California. Those days are gone."

What Bernieis really pissed about - another old white guy has joined the race, and Bernie has not enough money to keep up with Bloomberg.

hence the "Buy the election" accusations.

Like Bernie is not spending millions on himself - he is a multimillionaire and owns 3 homes.

"buy my socialism - but don't look at how i live and how i will forced the standard of living to shit in America with my policies."
somehow the surgeons found a heart in the old husk in which to place a stent. I don't think they will be that lucky a second time - and further heart disease will occur !!!

he wants to stop billionaires from participating in elections - by taxing Billionaires out of existence. Of course - he will draw a line to prevent confiscatory wealth taxes he enacts from taking his own multi-millions.

hypocritical communist who spent his honeymoon in soviet Russia with Communist party operatives. Originally Posted by oeb11

Bernie is a true socialist .. he spends everyone else's money on his campaign ..

Chung Tran's Avatar
What Bernieis really pissed about - another old white guy has joined the race, and Bernie has not enough money to keep up with Bloomberg.

he wants to stop billionaires from participating in elections - by taxing Billionaires out of existence. Originally Posted by oeb11
what is the point? you know this is disingenuous. Sanders has wanted publicly funded elections since the 1980's, if not before. he became a Millionaire about 3 years ago.

your paragraphs of insults, even about his heart attack, are juvenile.
Hotrod511's Avatar
what is the point? you know this is disingenuous. Sanders has wanted publicly funded elections since the 1980's, if not before. he became a Millionaire about 3 years ago.

your paragraphs of insults, even about his heart attack, are juvenile. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Poor Bernie. I think he's disgusted by everything.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Poor Bernie. I think he's disgusted by everything. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

he kind of is.. I like his enthusiasm for his positions, but that delivery of his is kind of wearing. he does need to be "forceful" to be believable, and he does smile and laugh when he is not in the throes of a debate or a speech. we don't see enough of that Bernie.

he kind of is.. I like his enthusiasm for his positions, but that delivery of his is kind of wearing. he does need to be "forceful" to be believable, and he does smile and laugh when he is not in the throes of a debate or a speech. we don't see enough of that Bernie. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I like Larry David better than Bernie!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
What's amusing is the Dims "social spending" is actually vote buying, not just ads
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh its ON now between the Billionaire elites this is gonna by a world class shit show,,,,,,,
Poor Bernie has a right to be disgusted ..... he knows beating Trump is practically impossible, and now he's got Bloomberg standing in the way of Bernie winning his party's nomination, and his socialist dreams may now never be realized .....
  • oeb11
  • 11-25-2019, 04:03 PM
Bernie is jealous - not disgusted.

he knoweth not how to express anything other than Anger as a "feeling" - a fatal flaw to disregard "Feelings" as a DPST.

In bernie's case it is just --ST.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I wonder what will bother Bernie most, being beaten and cheated by Hillary or losing to bat shit crazy Warren.
what is the point? you know this is disingenuous. Sanders has wanted publicly funded elections since the 1980's, if not before. he became a Millionaire about 3 years ago.

your paragraphs of insults, even about his heart attack, are juvenile. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

That's why he should drop out of the Presidential race. His Heart just isn't in it, lol.