Ladies, how do you like your gifts????

This thread is not what you expected: I know about the gift suggestions on your websites.

This is about those things men buy you that are not on your list.

For years, I have failed to purchase any personal item for my SO, whether it be clothing, jewelry, a purse, anything other than cash or a cash/gift card.

I learned long ago that my taste is not my SO's taste, and if I purchase something personal for her, I would likely get something that she wouldn't like and therefore wouldn't use. So, I've tended to give her the money so she can purchase to her taste.

So, ladies, would you rather have the gift, or the money. One supposedly shows the guy is thinking of you and taking time to surprise you with a gift, whether or not you like it. The other is a sure thing, but doesn't have the "thoughtfulness" attached.
atlcomedy's Avatar
"Here, Mrs. Tudor, a $50 Kohl's Gift Card...go pick yourself up something sexy..."
Sydneyb's Avatar
So, ladies, would you rather have the gift, or the money. One supposedly shows the guy is thinking of you and taking time to surprise you with a gift, whether or not you like it. The other is a sure thing, but doesn't have the "thoughtfulness" attached. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Someone who hears that I wanted something - big or small - and remembers? Its the best. Probably what your SO really wants too. I've never given - or gotten - cash as a gift, outside of a tip here and there. Wouldn't want it.

Maybe your SO doesn't express her desires (me? can't help but hear it ), that would make it more difficult. But if she's ever looked at a picture of a watch or bracelet longingly; its time for you to start a "gift" log in your smartphone and keep tabs of the color, brand and item. It'll go a long way, trust me.

I once came to a second appointment with a new client and he had 3 sets of diamond earrings for me to pick from; During our first appointment I had mentioned I was buying a signifincant pair for myself for my 40th birthday -- NEVER expecting him to give me a pair. I kept that man and haven't looked back. He now still suprises me with little and big things: a cookbook, wine magazines, jewlery. Its all so thoughtful and sweet and specific to what he's heard and knows about me.

He taught me something: A man that gives you things you didn't even KNOW you wanted. A keeper.
He taught me something: A man that gives you things you didn't even KNOW you wanted. A keeper. Originally Posted by Sydneyb
I quite agree. It would also be true that, "A WOMAN who gives you things you didn't even know you wanted. A keeper."
If a woman's rate is set, and you bring her a gift instead(without a gift receipt), some of them may be upset if they were relying on that money to pay a bill.
I say if you wanted to give a gift, give it in addition to the lady's rate.
atlcomedy's Avatar
If a woman's rate is set, and you bring her a gift instead(without a gift receipt), some of them may be upset if they were relying on that money to pay a bill.
I say if you wanted to give a gift, give it in addition to the lady's rate. Originally Posted by LoveASloot
Welcome Sloot! I think it is kind of a given that any gift is in addition to any stated fees....
I love thoughtfulness more than cash, and would rather have something that is personal and costs less, than a larger monetary gift.
Even if it's a sweater I'll never wear, I'll think of him every time I pass it by browsing my closet (because it will be years before I get over the guilt of not wearing it, and finally give it to charity).
I've yet to receive a gift from anyone whose company I didn't like and sincerely enjoy... (so if we've not met and I don't like you, please get me cash so that I won't be forced to think of you every time I see your gift :-P ).

In all seriousness, thoughtfulness is priceless.
A gift certificate to her favorite spa would probably be very appreciated.
So, ladies, would you rather have the gift, or the money. One supposedly shows the guy is thinking of you and taking time to surprise you with a gift, whether or not you like it. The other is a sure thing, but doesn't have the "thoughtfulness" attached. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
On dates that know me less well I prefer an actual gift. I'm easily pleased, and anyone that takes time to go through my site can easily conclude which gift will cause a squeal of delight. They don't have to be costly: I love used vinyl, and lace chokers for example, wonderful gifts for under $30.

I always appreciate a financial gift, but they are usually far more personal, as it can be used towards things more practical than frilly lingerie. Generally when I receive such a gift it's from someone who knows my life well enough to say: "I'd like you to use this for your dental surgery" - or whatever else may be going on in my life.
Most Companions have a "gifts" page on their site, but most Gents rarely read them.
When I get a gift from my list, I know that Gent was being thoughtful, reading about my desires, etc. Cash is ALWAYS helpful, as tips seem to be getting more rare these days, but I understand many people have been hit hard by the recession. Gift cards to stores are usually a good idea, so she can find her size or whatever...
IMHO, read the Ladies' sites. You'll learn about what they like, and can surprise them every time! It'll also tell her you cared enough to read that page. Who doesn't like a gift? Generosity is sexy as hell!!!
macksback's Avatar
I like to give the women I see jewelery...First time I see them it is something small,for instance a "Benny Bear" from Ben Bridge jewelers.I have asked ATF's the very same question, women I've seen for years and not one has ever said to me I would prefer cash/gift card over any of my gifts.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I like to give the women I see jewelery...First time I see them it is something small,for instance a "Benny Bear" from Ben Bridge jewelers.I have asked ATF's the very same question, women I've seen for years and not one has ever said to me I would prefer cash/gift card over any of my gifts. Originally Posted by macksback
Just like you smiled when your Aunt & Uncle gave you for your birthday yet another piece for your train collection or set of baseball cards...

But really were happy when Grandma put a $20 bill in your birthday card...

Not to say gifts are not genuinely appreciated. They are.

FWIW, though, even HDH's have acknowledged (I posted this exact question on HDH/ASPD) when push comes to shove they would rather have an extra say $200 in the envelope than $200 worth of product from Victoria's Secret.
Not always ATL. If I were asked, I'd chose a gift. I don't often get gifts being away from my family at Christmas/birthdays etc so it's much more enjoyable for me. Book tokens, ipod gift cards them.

DallasRain's Avatar
I do like gifts...especially the ones that are geared toward my likes or personality

a dear client of mine made this for me in his workshop---it sits on my bookshelf now

sexydiamond's Avatar
I do like gifts...especially the ones that are geared toward my likes or personality

a dear client of mine made this for me in his workshop---it sits on my bookshelf now

Originally Posted by DallasRain
DallasRain those are so cool !