Perry is in Addison NOW? And about to announce ...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... watching the news and am seeing that Rick Perry is about to announce his Presidential candidation in about 30 minutes?

I'm surprised. Really, I am. He's planning on running again.

Liked him as a governor and I thought with his leadership skills and the better Texas economy than most states, he had a good chance the first time (until he opened his mouth), but now, a second bid? Unless he learned from his mistakes, perhaps retiring as governor and focusing on foreign policy and knowing how to debate, he has a worse chance of getting the Republican nomination than a snowball's chance in Hell.
This is not the droid you're looking for.....
What a complete waste of fucking money.
Addison, huh? Call a rodent control specialist.
bojulay's Avatar
What a complete waste of fucking money. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Afraid so.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I consider him an embarrassment to the State of Texas.

Strong words from me, I know. And I agree with THN. A complete waste of resources that possibly be directed, otherwise, in a more beneficial fashion.

I watched the speech. I'm not sure what I think of him having all of those war heroes surrounding him. Seemed almost cheesy, which surely wasn't his intent or it almost came off as being disrespectful towards those heroes by using them as screen props.
What a complete waste of fucking money. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Not really...he and other loser Republicans are primping for higher speaking fees, seminars, lecture circuit and "self-help" books.

Gotta keep your name out there...
BBW Katrina's Avatar
He will never win the Presidency...once again
I also agree with EW and THN. Waste of money and embarrassing.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The only thing that I will add is that I did feel a bit sorry for him because it was obviously REALLY hot when he was giving his speech.

All of the lights, etc. During the speech, you could see the sweat all over his face, and it went down his shirt during his speech. I can imagine that was kindof embarrassing.

I know how it is to sweat like that.
What is the count now, about twenty GOP candidates? At least he will have a lot of fellow debaters to help him out after his next brain fart.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
The only thing that I will add is that I did feel a bit sorry for him because it was obviously REALLY hot when he was giving his speech.

All of the lights, etc. During the speech, you could see the sweat all over his face, and it went down his shirt during his speech. I can imagine that was kindof embarrassing.

I know how it is to sweat like that. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
He's got that sweaty Nixon debate look down.
aubie79's Avatar
One moment he wants Texas to secede from the union...the next he wants to lead the union.

I'm so looking forward to his next comedy routine.
As long as those eastern republicans dont win we should be okay.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm surprised that we're not seeing Perry SUPPORTERS chiming in! Are there NOT any?