For the Guys taking Blue Pills🥶

It's just something to look into 🙊
LexusLover's Avatar
The "devil" is always in the details ....

... "after taking the highest recommended dose of Sildenafil, which was originally developed as a treatment for high blood pressure..."

Since the generic form is white .... problem solved. No over dosage of "blue" to offset the color spectrum!!!!!!!!

BTW: Does it have the same effect on females who use it? IJA
LexusLover's Avatar
As an aside, but related to the information in the article .... most of "us" who spend a lot of time looking at screens (large and small) we need to use some form/brand of moisturizer in our eyes on a regular basis throughout the day ... it will improve our vision ... and some don't even notice it until they start using "moisturizing drops" regularly.

Sildenafil has that side effect on some (if not most/all) of "drying out," which includes eyes. That drying effect could cause "color" issues. I suspect that most, if not all, who have had lens replacement have been informed to use moisturizing drops regularly.