DAM: Steve Bannons New Book: Donald Trump, his Sons, and Kushner All Met With Russians and Committed Treason

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It's on like Donkey Kong....Say It Ain't So..... Steve Bannon has turned on Trump....and finally...I think Bannon realizes he could do prison time and so he's preemptively cooperating with Robert Mueller's investigation by unleashing hell on his former boss and all the rabid retarded ass voters that actually still support Trump...this is about to get bad.....real bad folks...yall buckle up....

Steve Bannon suggested President Donald Trump was aware of Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with Russian operatives at Trump Tower in June 2016 ― because he met with them that day, too, according to an explosive new book by acclaimed journalist Michael Wolff.

The former White House strategist was quoted by Wolff as saying there was “zero” chance Trump Jr. didn’t walk the Russian meeting attendees “up to his father’s office on the 26th floor.”

Bannon also dubbed the infamous Trump Tower meeting as “treasonous” and “bad shit,” according to Wolff. The far-right icon mocked Trump Jr. and Kushner for taking the meeting in hopes of acquiring dirt on Hillary Clinton, Trump’s political opponent in the 2016 presidential race, as first revealed by The New York Times in July.

“The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor — with no lawyers,” Bannon told Wolff, according to The Guardian, which obtained a copy of the book.

“Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately,” he added.
“This is all about money laundering,” Bannon told Wolff. “Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner … It’s as plain as a hair on your face.”

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I realize this will be hard on some of you..... HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA it's ok we told you retards this was coming. HAHAHAHAHAA
StandinStraight's Avatar
It is really no surprise that the trumps are guilty of treason, it’s been long suspected and will be proven by Mueller. It’s fun though to watch the deplorables like Bannon turn on each other. Trump has been nothing but a fraud his whole life, he has so many Russian spiders in his closet that he can’t control them, they will all bite him in the end!

The deplorables in this forum that support him are just uneducated pawns, they have spent their whole lives living in a world of bigotry and hate. I feel sorry for them in a way because they are like zombies walking around our planet in a dumb state of mind. Even rabbits can learn but deplorables are not capable!

I’m glad Trumps Presidency is coming to a end and he and his family will leave the White House in disgrace. It’s the only way we can start to right all the damage he has done to the United States in the name of Russia.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It is really no surprise that the trumps are guilty of treason, it’s been long suspected and will be proven by Mueller. It’s fun though to watch the deplorables like Bannon turn on each other. Trump has been nothing but a fraud his whole life, he has so many Russian spiders in his closet that he can’t control them, they will all bite him in the end!

The deplorables in this forum that support him are just uneducated pawns, they have spent their whole lives living in a world of bigotry and hate. I feel sorry for them in a way because they are like zombies walking around our planet in a dumb state of mind. Even rabbits can learn but deplorables are not capable!

I’m glad Trumps Presidency is coming to a end and he and his family will leave the White House in disgrace. It’s the only way we can start to right all the damage he has done to the United States in the name of Russia. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

^ I simply couldn't have said it better..so I will let your words stand....I agree 1000%
StandinStraight's Avatar
^ I simply couldn't have said it better..so I will let your words stand....I agree 1000% Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Notice how no deplorables have responded to this post! HAHHA what bozo’s they are for supporting the biggest crook president of all time !
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Notice how no deplorables have responded to this post! HAHHA what bozo’s they are for supporting the biggest crook president of all time ! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

That's because Steve Bannon the White Nationalist is their guy...He helped Trump get elected and now he's ratting him out....They cannot in good faith and good conscience call Steve Bannon a liar..This one hurts it guts them like a fish and goes to the very core of who they are....I can't find the post but I said this would happen....I knew all along Bannon would turn on them...Jared Kushner is a sniveling little weasel and ousting Bannon sealed their fates...I think Roy Moore losing sent Bannon over the edge....These scumbags are silent as they're choking on shit right now.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
My avatar hopefully will be a reality for the Orange Monkey soon
gfejunkie's Avatar
Notice how no deplorables have responded to this post! HAHHA what bozo’s they are for supporting the biggest crook president of all time ! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
If it were worthy of note we might have something to say about it. All I see is just another fake news hit piece from a questionable source.


"In its review of Wolff's book Burn Rate, Brill's Content criticized Wolff for "apparent factual errors" and said that more than a dozen of the subjects he mentioned complained that Wolff had "invented or changed quotes" that he attributed to them.[20]

In a 2004 cover story for The New Republic, Michelle Cottle wrote that Wolff was "uninterested in the working press," preferring to focus on "the power players—the moguls" and was "fixated on culture, style, buzz, and money, money, money." She also noted that "the scenes in his columns aren’t recreated so much as created—springing from Wolff’s imagination rather than from actual knowledge of events." Calling his writing "a whirlwind of flourishes and tangents and asides that often stray so far from the central point that you begin to wonder whether there is a central point", she quoted one daily New York columnist as saying "I find it nearly impossible to read his columns. They’re flabby. I don’t know what the fuck he’s trying to say." One journalist who knew Wolff told Cottle, "He can't write. He doesn't report."[21] Cottle subsequently called Wolff "possibly the bitchiest media big foot writing today."[22]

"Wolff's prose is difficult to hack through," wrote Erik Wemple in The Washington Post, adding that Wolff "is the Foxconn of the pointless, comma-laden aside." [23]

The Columbia Journalism Review criticized Wolff in 2010 when he suggested that The New York Times was aggressively covering the breaking News International phone hacking scandal as a way of attacking News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch. CJR called Wolff's analysis "pathetic", "disgusting", "twisted", and based on "zero evidence".[24]

His former employer, New York Magazine, has called him an "angry man for pay" and a "media provocateur".[25] Howard Kurtz once said, "Michael is rarely impressed by anyone other than himself." [26]

He'll probably sell a lot of books though. Mostly to idiots like you.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
hahahaah you brain dead morons are livid...and will die in your ignorance and stupidity...I'm loving this...glad Bannon flipped....now the FBI can use this as well....YAY !!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It’ll be interesting once Twitler has to face the truth. The next layer of bullshit will be revealed.

“Don brought these guys into my office I didn’t know, so I told him to get them outta here...”

Something to that effect.

Right now, it’s discrediting the report and trashing his former best friend.

The “base” has gotta be confused as shit right now.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm just glad Bannon flipped so early...this is fucking awesome....and the Repulicans are basically fucked now...Bannon was everything...the Key...Bannon says they all had nicknames for Trump...I'm going to post them soon HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA Man I love this shit
None of you liberal shitheads know what the definition of treason is
bambino's Avatar
None of you liberal shitheads know what the definition of treason is Originally Posted by Stockinglover
The OPs only expertise is tongue fucking assholes.
It's on like Donkey Kong....Say It Ain't So..... Steve Bannon has turned on Trump....and finally...I think Bannon realizes he could do prison time and so he's preemptively cooperating with Robert Mueller's investigation by unleashing hell on his former boss and all the rabid retarded ass voters that actually still support Trump...this is about to get bad.....real bad folks...yall buckle up....

https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry...ushpmg00000009 Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
There's a lot of smoke but no fire. The Trump Russian collusion Fairy Tale is nothing more than a strategic political distraction maneuver designed by high level Trump advisers to bring down Clinton, Obama, Podesta and many others. Mueller is a criminal too, but Trump has him by the short hairs to bring down the main players. The big Russian Collusion ruse is about to be shattered once those indictments are revealed and executed.

I B Hankering's Avatar
A quick look at the article -- about Michael Wolff's book -- shows that Bannon wrote no such book as Shit-stained Chapped-ass claims in the thread title and confirms that Shit-stained Chapped-ass is as congenitally delusional as he is fucking illiterate.