fucking Unattractive people

I have no idea how providers do it. God bless you lol. I’m sure at some point I’ve benefitted from it.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Put yourself in place of a provider.

Outside if some fat ugly lady and Beyonce. Chances are you would take Beyonce, which is normal.

So you do Beyonce and the ugly lady is there. So you do her, but fantasize about Beyonce. That's called disassociation, you disassociate yourself from what you're doing to think about some different.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Or... OR...

A good provider learns to find the good qualities in every man that crosses her threshhold...

When you learn to find that particular "spark" that most everyone has, the need to fantasize isn't there anymore. Or that could be just me... who knows...
pyramider's Avatar
Or... OR...

A good provider learns to find the good qualities in every man that crosses her threshhold... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Like the relief of only 1.3" of dangling death.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Why you gotta bring Threshold into it? lol

DJ has it right. They diassociate from the fucktard and "associate" with the foooking "Benjis" .......
Or... OR...

A good provider learns to find the good qualities in every man that crosses her threshhold...

When you learn to find that particular "spark" that most everyone has, the need to fantasize isn't there anymore. Or that could be just **the lube**... who knows... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Some of these threads are so foooking useless....
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Captain.Classic's Avatar
^^ iLOLed
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Like this?

Need to sleep. I have a 10am. Next review.
Some of these threads are so foooking useless.... Originally Posted by shinepro

Isn't this like the wannabe ghetto white pot calling the kettle black?
DocHolyday's Avatar
I wish more of the ladies chimed in here.
Or... OR...

A good provider learns to find the good qualities in every man that crosses her threshhold...

When you learn to find that particular "spark" that most everyone has, the need to fantasize isn't there anymore. Or that could be just me... who knows... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
ftfy Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
I believe the correct name is " Foria" LOL

I thought It was entertaining.

Some of these threads are so foooking useless.... Originally Posted by shinepro
You're fooking kidding right? So, your threads are informational?
ValentinaAmaro's Avatar
Call me a bullshitter; I never find anyone ugly if I've already scheduled with them. If you pass my screening and we keep up a convo, you're already attractive to me. The politeness, the attention to detail- is all what factors in to the level of attractiveness for me.

There are a few men on these boards I would never see because of the way they present themselves and simply they are unnatractive to me.

But I love all kinds of men physically, and the only thing that makes me think a client is unattractive is their actions. Treat me nice and I will be a lovely girlfriend for you