Places to stay in Dallas?

I'm coming to visit next month. Looking for suggestions on ideal places to stay while there. Would like something nice, but not super expensive and in a good place for hobbying. Any suggestions?
Last Ride's Avatar
Around the Galleria in Dallas & of N Dallas Tollway seems to be a hobby hot spot. Not sure about price.
TheEccie214's Avatar
1400 South Lamar Street in Dallas would be my recommendation - ask for Kitty.
1400 South Lamar Street in Dallas would be my recommendation - ask for Kitty. Originally Posted by TheEccie214

I, too recommend going on Priceline, etc. and doing a search for 3 star and 4 star hotels. Some great rates to be had if timing is right and nothing big going on.
I meant Galleria area.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Ass. Originally Posted by Cheyenne Taylor
I checked and the search button isn't broken. This question is asked almost weekly so you didn't bother to do any research...however you did look up my answer so I give you props for that part.