Real question for RMT's about "package" positioning.

caribbean1's Avatar
When I get a vanilla massage I have always carefully folded everything, not that there is all that much, up under my front so it is not hanging between my legs. I know there is draping and RMT's are professional and know what to do but .... does everyone else do that? I was thinking it would be easier to massage my glutes and thighs and ... it just seems more polite.

When I get a massage from someone who "knows me well" I just relax and let everything rest naturally between my legs when starting on my stomach. That feels much more comfortable and ... hey ... no problem if they stand too close to the action and get sideswiped a little right from the start.

So ... what do the rest of you guys do with your package during your Valentines Day couples massage with your ... wife?

RMT's, is it OK to "let it all hang out" during a vanilla massage?
Massage equals me getting comfortable. Relaxing. So, junior is going to be in what for me is a natural position, between my legs.

Massage therapist are medical professionals in my eye, they have seen it before, no big deal. (OK, in my case at least, not a big deal.)
thewaywordfucker's Avatar
I was an RMT all through college and it is all about draping and making sure you do it right, it is not a big deal to most RMTs if something slips, it happens and if you have worked at one of the wlamarts of massage (as one of my friends put it) you might massage 300 different people a year. Some of them you will see more than you want, or less than you want. Had on client that refused to take her socks and bra off, everytime(ever try to give a table massage when someone wears a bra, counter-productive.