Man raped by 4 women...I want move to Africa

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Randall Creed's Avatar
Not if they're fat, nasty, ugly, sweaty, and have horrible hygiene.
pickupkid's Avatar
pussy is pussy
This is all kinds of unfunny and disturbing. Rape is rape. Rape is no less rape just because it is a man who is being raped and women who are perpetuating rape. No one wants to be raped. That's exactly why it's rape, and not consensual sex.
Rape is rape.Crazy sh!t
Yeah that shit's not cool no matter the gender. Real Rape is being connected intimately to someone you don't desire intimately. I don't think you know what you want my friend.
  • 2dogs
  • 03-07-2017, 03:30 PM
Can't be that bad. : )