Kansas City ranks No.2 in study of men looking for prostitutes online

BoyGeniusEric's Avatar
Kansas City is teeming with unmet demand for sex with prostitutes who advertise on the Internet, according to an academic study of online sex customers released this week.


I feel a strange sense of pride!
omgnametaken's Avatar
Lots of horny men (& women) in KC. How do you have an "academic study of online sex customers"?
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Post ads, measure responses. Yes, that's literally it. Nice study.
searchthelimits's Avatar
I think we should try harder since we are number 2. And I do mean harder.
Think we can catch Houston?
If only Anthony Weiner, Elliot Spitzer, and that San Diego mayor lived in KC... We'd be #1 then!
How interesting. Makes me proud since I'm relocating back to KC and all
Longermonger's Avatar
dirty dog's Avatar
You horny fucks .............................. .
CaptainKaos's Avatar
At an average $150 per visit, if everyone who responded to an ad actually had a visit it would mean that the hobby contributes $16,000,0000 to the local economy. We know that's not the case, but would it be plausible to suggest 25% of the respondents actually visited someone?

The article also mentions decoy ads, which is interesting. The researchers also concluded that demand is well ahead of supply. Dare I say prices could be going up?
You horny fucks .............................. . Originally Posted by dirty dog
WEll Crap DD there aint nuthin else to do.....BORING!!!!
On the low end of the scale the least amount of clients per provider average 10 per day??? Hell no not me and that's the high volume providers, but I bet they don't even have that many in 1 day. Media exaggeration at its best...
BobsAlias's Avatar
This story just made it on Fox4!
Helicopter206's Avatar
And the providers are having a hard time finding clients and making a living.
Will it's all over the news now, the providers in KC are very busy, and shouldn't have any problems finding clients.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We can be number one. Ladies you have to cut your donations and recruit your friends. Guys you have to deprive your children of their college money and tell your friends as well. There is no reason why we can't do this.