What does this sites name stand for??

After reading a certain user's comments about ladies posting on this site I thought it would be good to remind folks that the ladies opinions are welcomed here and that this site is as much for them as for the men.

posted by hercules.
I've questioned allowing ladies to post in the discussion area before. The answer is they will stay. So "Lookit me" post/ads will continue along with a degree of drama.

Learn to adapt. Your best bet is the ignore button. It also eliminates PM harassment
Hercules this is the coed section. Maybe you should look up what the word coed means before making such an inane comment.
  • This is not the men's locker room nor the review section. ladies are more than welcome to post here in this forum and many others on this site.
I believe you are under the impression this site is for the male hobbyist only. The acronym ECCIE stands for Escort Client Community Information Exchange
Pretty clear what that stands for. A place where the clients and providers can exchange information. If the ladies were not allowed to post there wouldn't be much info being shared between us.

Without the ladies this site would not last a week.

The guys come here to meet them and find out info about them. Without the ladies continued support we would have a one sided site with nothing but a bunch Of Horny guys standing around bragging to each other.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
+1 well said
I just wanted to WK Hercules. He is the shiznit. Just sayin'. I understand his POV, as the hobby has changed dramatically over the last several years. It is almost unrecognizable. So, if the ladies could veil their threADS just a little bit better with some intellect or an interesting opinion, I doubt anyone would have a problem.
BUT, at the same time, I think Looie has a point, and I like what he said, as well.
Can't we all just get along?
So Dannie you are in agreement with Herc? Ladies should not be allowed to Post?
He didn't say that he thought they should post differently he felt they shouldn't post at all.

Yes the hobby has changed alot ,it's called progress and we should all learn to adapt.
The rules are in place about blatant ads in the forums. The mods do take action when they see them.

I'm not talking about that particular problem but rather the antiquated idea some men seem to have that women should be seen and not heard. That their opinions are not worth hearing.
That they do not belong.

This type of thinking should have gone the way of the Dodo bird years ago.
Without the ladies, there would be a lot of very honest reviews and candid discussion.
Looie, Please do not put words in my mouth.

I was just saying I can understand the viewpoints of BOTH of you. That's what I get for having an opinion, I guess. Serves me right for ever having any kind of opinion regarding anything you have to say. The ironic part of all this is...oh never mind.

I am not going to delve into this any further. I have enough shit going on in my RL without participating in the minutiae here on the board.

How 'bout everyone stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, and go get laid more. Sounds good to me.

SW, go find the gay boards.
It amazes me that several posters here hate this place so much, yet, they stay here. WTF. If this is such an awful place filled with ladies that you don't want to see, then get the Hell out of Dodge.
Hi Looie

Alot of ladies stop posting in co-ed. I do not post threads much, too many ThreADS, we want the men here to take us serious, but how can they, when other ladies violate the rules. Some of us actually have decent, thought provoking things to say, but are over shadowed by threADS. So why should we post????

I'll shut up now....:-)
Dannie should practice some self-control and stay out of some threads.
Lets all meet at Flying Saucer have some drinks then go have some crazy sex.
  • PT4ME
  • 07-23-2010, 12:43 PM
Lets all meet at Flying Saucer have some drinks then go have some crazy sex. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
......now THAT sounds like a plan.... what time are we meeting?

Dannie I apologize I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. I took it as you didn't realize that he had actually said that women shouldn't be allowed to post.
I'm not trying to stir anything up here. Just stating the simple facts that this site is for the ladies and men alike.
That we should show respect to those who do come here and post.
That both the ladies and men's opinions matter.
Again I'm not talking about ads or Threads but respect for all those who post here.
Well for those who post civily that is. ;-)
flboy65's Avatar
Lets all meet at Flying Saucer have some drinks then go have some crazy sex. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
I'm with you sweetie, sounds like a marvelous plan, you name the time.
Dannie should practice some self-control and stay out of some threads. Originally Posted by shizzle10
Shizzle should suck it. Or perhaps contribute something productive to the board. What a concept.

Get back to me when your posts contribute something...anything....to the board. A review, maybe? Who knows. Just do something of value. This is an information exchange, and right now you are all take and no give, thereby making any opinions you may have, null and void.
flboy65's Avatar
Shizzle should suck it. Originally Posted by Dannie
Randy4Candy's Avatar
...I said: "Entertaining (as in making an entertaining post) is easy, though in many cases accidental and unintended. The GOLD its the interesting and thoughtful - and I'd add witty.

It's nice when there's something going on up there other than....well, fuck it, I'm not even going to waste my time by going there.