Review- Lucy- Madness

This review is ALL wrong! My rate is 250/hr. My incall is in Dallas, not Arlington. This guy does not know what the fuck he is talking about! If you want my real info, message me.
It would help if you provide a link to the madness!

Don't know why you are up in arms... it was a very positive review. Sometimes people make mistakes on the info. If someone had called and asked about your rate based on this review its very easy to purr into the phone that it was a typo.
Thanks krunkman, he just really got under my skin and used my real name...
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
The real name thing would piss me off to.
If you PM one of the mods I am sure they can change the name on the review for you. That is a reasonable request.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I'm also surprised the young lady started this thread. If you want to start a fuss about what's by and large a positive review, you're gonna spend a lot of time here complaining rather than off in your lair playing. You gotta have a thick skin to survive around here. By the look of you, you must be able to resist nit-picky pin pricks, considering your yummy body art. Learn to pick your battles, baby.
This review is ALL wrong! My rate is 250/hr. My incall is in Dallas, not Arlington. This guy does not know what the fuck he is talking about! If you want my real info, message me. Originally Posted by Lucy214
Yea, he seems like a newbie too. Like "Dannie," suggested Kindly PM the MODS and have them edit; your name out of there. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want his "Real Name," posted!!!

Good Luck... Lucy214

Trooper H
The sad thing is that no one would have ever known it was your real name without this post. Hope the esteemed moderators move fast to remove it. That is really bad.

On a seperate note, you are one very hot lady.
  • T-Can
  • 07-27-2010, 06:25 AM
Yea, he seems like a newbie too. Originally Posted by Trooper Hawk
Kooldoc is not, by any means, a newbie!

Those may be your rates right now, Lucy, but is that how much donation he paid?

Hopefully kooldoc will chime in on this matter.