Viewing Reviews

  • wance
  • 08-05-2018, 12:16 AM
I recently got premium access and have not been able to see all reviews. Only able to see certain ones. Why is this?
Awesome41's Avatar
We can only see the reviews that were posted after the site came back up in June. All others before the shut down are currently locked most likely indefinitely.
Awesome41's Avatar
my bad that was a question to staff
Wakeup's Avatar
The old reviews will never be coming back...
my bad that was a question to staff Originally Posted by Awesome41
Awesome41, you are correct this area is "Questions for the Staff". But regular members can post in it. I think this was done by design so members that can answer a question can do so, and then staff can comment or correct as necessary.

It also let's us facilitate exchanges of ideas we as members would like to see happen.

I'd be surprised if the staff wouldn't appreciate anything the members can do to make their job a little easier or suggestions to improve the site in general.