Got threatening text

After texting the number (816) 281-0939 linked to a backpage ad, I received a threatening message saying that it was the police, and that if I cooperated that would be taken into account. The link is below.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not an alert.
Congratulations you ran into a bible thumper dogooder scare you thing.
Next time, ask them for a mail address so you can send them literature related to constitutional rights.
zeejoe's Avatar
Asshats like that love dickpics.

Moved here from Alerts; not an alert by definition.
sjohnlewis's Avatar
Asshats like that love dickpics.
Originally Posted by zeejoe

If you want to really confuse them send then some religious literature from some far out group with a lot of Bible quotes. Really blows their mind trying to figure it out.
Better them, than an actual cop.
hornyoldtoad's Avatar
Or just reply that you would love to cooperate and ask where you should meet the gal from the pictures to do so...