At the expense of middle class Americans...........

In more grim economic news, the Associated Press reported today that U.S. manufacturing output shrank in June for the first time since 2009:
U.S. manufacturing shrank in June for the first time in nearly three years, adding to signs that economic growth is weakening.

Production declined, and the number of new orders plunged, according to a monthly report released Monday by the Institute for Supply Management. …

The trade group of purchasing managers said its index of manufacturing activity fell to 49.7. That’s down from 53.5 in May. And it’s the lowest reading since July 2009, a month after the Great Recession officially ended. Readings below 50 indicate contraction. …

Economists said the manufacturing figures were consistent with growth at an annual rate of 1.5 percent or less. That would be down from the January-March quarter’s already tepid annual pace of 1.9 percent.
All of these numbers are simply dreadful. This chart shows U.S. GDP growth from 2000 through 2011. If we add a mere 1.5% growth for 2012, we can see that at best, the U.S. is experiencing a pathetic recovery from a deep recession:

We are currently in fourth year of the Obama administration; to make one obvious comparison, GDP growth in Ronald Reagan’s fourth year in office was 7.3%. Worst case, we are sliding into another recession. We have been focused for the past few days, understandably, on the Supreme Court’s disappointing Obamacare decision. But let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture: President Obama’s record in office is terrible, worse than that of any president who has been re-elected in modern times.

joe bloe's Avatar
Unless Romney runs a completely incompetent campaign, Obama should be beatable. Obama, himself, said that if he couldn't get the economy turned around in three years, he would not get re-elected. Obama also said that if we did the so called stimulus bill, unemployment would not go above eight percent. Well it did go above eight percent and it has stayed there.

Obama has failed, based on the standards that he himself has defined. If Obama had any honor, he wouldn't even be running for re-election.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Did anyone other than me notice the historic decline that occurred between 2004 and the end of 2008.

Dammmmmn! That's what I call going from the Penthouse to the Outhouse!

According to the above chart the friggin' bottom fell out in that 4-5 year period. Who was President during those years anyway?

Fortunately, after 2009 things started getting back on track. Who was President after 2008?

We're not there yet, but the outlook is quite a bit rosier than it was in January 2009.

Isn't it?
Your not the genius you hoped for; that decline was the "worse econmic recession since the great depression" according to Obama.

Are you ignoring the more recent 43.3% decline that has happened under Obama's watch?

No matter how you try to spin it; the numbers are dreadful for the American economy, especially middle class Americans.

Obama's economic stewardship has been a miserable failure. He spent us into trillions of debt and we have nothing to show for it. It looks like the economy is going to get worse for the campgain season................

tick, tick, tick (it's the economy stupid).
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-02-2012, 06:45 PM
Your not the genius you hoped for; that decline was the "worse econmic recession since the great depression" according to Obama.

Are you ignoring the more recent 43.3% decline that has happened under Obama's watch?

No matter how you try to spin it; the numbers are dreadful for the American economy, especially middle class Americans.

Obama's economic stewardship has been a miserable failure. He spent us into trillions of debt and we have nothing to show for it. It looks like the economy is going to get worse for the campgain season................

tick, tick, tick (it's the economy stupid). Originally Posted by Whirlaway

are you ignoring the enormus recovery that took place on Obies watch before the 43% decine on obies watch ?

Obama's economic stewardship has been a miserable failure. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The referenced chart clearly indicates that since you consider "Obama's economic stewardship" to be "a miserable failure," then you should categorize GW's "economic stewardship" as being "a miserable failure" X 10 (or perhaps "a miserable failure X 20")?

Just sayin'
are you ignoring the enormus recovery that took place on Obies watch before the 43% decine on obies watch ? Originally Posted by CJ7
Whirly's seems to be extremely confused! Either that or he was hoping that we did not know how to read a graph! Apparently, no one told him that the graph was much more damaging for Obama's predescessor than Obama. Neither did he realize that the graph indicated that since January 2009, Obama has dug America out of a deep abyss.

I suppose it is true, the devil is always in the details!

However, there was one thing the graph did not indicate. It made no mention of OBL and that he now sleeps with the fishes. Not only did GW dig a deep economic hole of historic proportions but he was unable to catch the man Dub personally labeled as "Wanted, Dead or Alive." Tsk, Tsk!

Oh well, I will give Whirly some credit for trying! I am feeling generous so I will award him a "C-" for effort. However, he must receive an "F" for relevant content
cptjohnstone's Avatar
OBL and that he now sleeps with the fishes. Originally Posted by bigtex
from intel gathered at Gitmo, set up by GWB, and that lying motherfucker said he was going to close
from intel gathered at Gitmo, set up by GWB, and that lying motherfucker said he was going to close Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Are you speaking of the same type of "intel" that resulted in GW losing focus on OBL, who was otherwise known as the mastermind behind 9/11?

Fortunately, President Obama regained America's focus on the perpetrators of 9/11 and as a result, OBL now sleeps with the fishes!

Cap'n, would you like me to create a graph showing the number of times OBL was killed while Obama was President as opposed to the number of times OBL was killed while Dead Eye Dubya aka "Wanted, Dead or Alive," was President?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama killed a guy! Re-elect him!

Obama has added 100,000 jobs in 3.5 years! Re-elect him!

Obama broke every campaign promise. Trust him this time!

Yeah. right.
Obama killed a guy! Re-elect him!

Obama has added 100,000 jobs in 3.5 years! Re-elect him!

Trust him this time! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It just goes to show that if you feed a eatn', shitn', squawkn' Teagull enough facts, even a StupidOldFart will finally come to his senses!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Are you speaking of the same type of "intel" that resulted in GW losing focus on OBL, who was otherwise known as the mastermind behind 9/11?

Fortunately, President Obama regained America's focus on the perpetrators of 9/11 and as a result, OBL now sleeps with the fishes!

Cap'n, would you like me to create a graph showing the number of times OBL was killed while Obama was President as opposed to the number of times OBL was killed while Dead Eye Dubya aka "Wanted, Dead or Alive," was President? Originally Posted by bigtex
is your brain on steroids ? too bad your vote will not count unless we go back to LBJ's lock box 13

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Gee Whirly, why did you cease debate on the graph you provided for us?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Whirly, how did your insurance scam come out? Did you find anyone in the real world who fell for your bogus bullsh*t?
It just goes to show that if you feed a eatn', shitn', squawkn' Teagull enough facts, even a StupidOldFart will finally come to his senses! Originally Posted by bigtex
Hey BigTits,candyboy and CBJ4.75 Do your lips ever get tired of sucking on our tax payers tits. Our tit's are getting a little raw. Could you please use some BagBalm in the future...fuckers