Conan O'Brien calls for common sense gun control

southtown4488's Avatar
southtown4488's Avatar
Guest123018-4's Avatar
And I should care what this INDIVIDUAL believes, why?

Gun Control is breath control.
If you cannot control your breathing you cannot control your shot.

If the government did what thwy are required to do and did a lot less of the things that are not required of it, we would not have a man on the terrorist watch list killing people in Orlando.
Instead of doing their job they would rather further infringe upon our rights.
Government and more government control is not the answer, it is the problem.
gfejunkie's Avatar
On 9/11/2001 3000 Americans lost their lives.

Not a single gun was used. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
"Know thine enemy."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I read the story last night. O'Brien is very ignorant.
I read the story last night. O'Brien is very ignorant. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Almost all of the " talking heads " with late night TV shows are in the tank for the libs. Which stands to reason, since most of their employers, the networks, are also.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Why does anyone give any credence to an individual because of their status as a celebrity.
It is just another notch in the race to complete idiocracy.

Restore this nation to it's constitutional roots and a whole lot of things will be so much better.

The government is the entity that needs restriction, not the citizenry.
If the government would do what the government is required to do and get out of everything else, we would have a lot less problems in this nation.
southtown4488's Avatar
the tide is changing, its a matter of time before we have more common sense gun control.

If someone wants to own a gun they should pass the same background check and training that a police officer goes through.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I'll put my Howard Stern up against your Conan O'brien any day...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
the tide is changing, its a matter of time before we have more common sense gun control.

If someone wants to own a gun they should pass the same background check and training that a police officer goes through. Originally Posted by southtown4488
You want to define "common sense" gun control. You know, for when they write the law.

Considering what they been accusing cops of doing is that enough for you? How about special ops training? What happens if you don't have the time or can't pass the training and you still have a stalker or live in a crime ridden neighborhood?
LexusLover's Avatar
the tide is changing, ...... Originally Posted by southtown4488
... that's the wonderful thing about the tide ....

... it recedes.
LexusLover's Avatar
You want to define "common sense" gun control. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That's like asking him if he would like to flap his arms to get to the Moon.

He's got a better chance flapping his lips all the way there. Hot air propulsion.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Don't sell guns to Muslims.

Common sense. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Good for Conan, but he doesn't call the shots. Besides the producers of the show had him say it or else. Controlling guns won't make us safer, controlling assholes may.
