So, open carry passed in Texas...

feetnstuff187's Avatar
I just heard on the news that open carry of hand guns passed in Texas. How do you think that's going to effect the hobby world? Pretty sure providers don't want us showing up at their door strapped.
dallasfan's Avatar
Will be interesting to see if the death rate by handguns go up.

I would like them to bring back the gunfight at noon in the quadrangle myself.

It's going to make cops jobs a lot harder i think.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
If you aren't going to use it then don't bring it up haha but on a serious note that's a interesting law and we will see how it goes
pyramider's Avatar
The brilliance of carrying a gun, concealed or open carry, never ceases to baffle me.
matthh1987's Avatar
I just heard on the news that open carry of hand guns passed in Texas. How do you think that's going to effect the hobby world? Pretty sure providers don't want us showing up at their door strapped. Originally Posted by feetnstuff187
I am positive it is the same if you conceal carry and visit a lady. That would probably be an unwelcome surprise. If you do carry, just leave it in your car to avoid any unwanted attention by onlookers or providers.
Wheretonow's Avatar
Pistol Marks would probably take it out and play with it - after unloading it of course - gotta practice safe handling practices.

tortpicker's Avatar
Will be interesting to see if the death rate by handguns go up.

I would like them to bring back the gunfight at noon in the quadrangle myself.

It's going to make cops jobs a lot harder i think. Originally Posted by dallasfan

Every cop that I ask is all for it. Anyone carrying has to go through the CHL training and all of the background checks. So they know if your carrying your not the type that's going to use it for the wrong reasons.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Open carry is a who knows what's going to happen scenario.
If criminals enter an establishment and see you are carrying openly, you become a first target. you are an immediate threat to the completion of their crime.
If criminals enter an establishment and see you are carrying openly, they may leave and head to the nearest Starbucks or other gun free zone that has no immediate threats.

As for hobby changes, probably very few. If a providers peeps out to see just how fat my ass is before she opens the door and sees a Glock holstered on my side, she will not bother opening the door.
Every cop that I ask is all for it. Anyone carrying has to go through the CHL training and all of the background checks. So they know if your carrying your not the type that's going to use it for the wrong reasons. Originally Posted by tortpicker
BINGO! I actually got an ass chewing from a DPS Trooper for NOT carrying even though I had a CHL. He was kewl though and let me go with a "thou shalt carry" warning.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 12-23-2015, 09:32 AM
Through business, I have dealt with Carrollton PD. I ask them the same question. Basically, They aren't going to do anything. They feel that after the "new" wears off most will quit because of it being a pain. Those that continue to carry openly, the police said that those people are just looking for attention. I have a CHL...... I carry in my vehicle mostly, very seldom to I carry on me. As for carrying one to see a provider, Smart guy will leave it in the car. Where is the need to take it in?
Chung Tran's Avatar
If a providers peeps out to see just how fat my ass is before she opens the door and sees a Glock holstered on my side, she will not bother opening the door. Originally Posted by cheatercheater
my problem is even before the gun law has taken effect, and with no Glock at my side... the Providers who peep out and see me don't bother opening the door

Through business, I have dealt with Carrollton PD. I ask them the same question. Basically, They aren't going to do anything. They feel that after the "new" wears off most will quit because of it being a pain. Those that continue to carry openly, the police said that those people are just looking for attention. Originally Posted by motor
this makes sense to me.. I suspect we'll have a good read on how it will play out in the next 3-4 months..
Through business, I have dealt with Carrollton PD. I ask them the same question. Basically, They aren't going to do anything. They feel that after the "new" wears off most will quit because of it being a pain. Those that continue to carry openly, the police said that those people are just looking for attention. I have a CHL...... I carry in my vehicle mostly, very seldom to I carry on me. As for carrying one to see a provider, Smart guy will leave it in the car. Where is the need to take it in? Originally Posted by motor
Great point...the novelty will wear off, most who have a CHL don't carry consistant nor have the training or guts to draw down in a real gunfight. I have some experience in this area and I can tell you that you don't want to be that guy whose gun is sticking out like a sore thumb.

Your the first person I am going to shoot.
dallasfan's Avatar
We'll see how it plays out next year.

With all this crazy terrorist stuff going on, i think we will see some policy changes at places like restaurants, bars, and clubs where they will prohibit it from their establishments.
I doubt that most CHL holders will actually wear their firearm when going to meet a provider. If something happens and LE shows up, possession of a firearm during another alleged crime adds up to serious charges.

Mine stays locked up in my car for such visits.
wopr's Avatar
  • wopr
  • 12-23-2015, 01:21 PM
Open carry for every day normal situations seems silly. Why make yourself a target?

I'm all for it, but I don't want to be the first guy in the room to get shot at or jumped from behind.