"Affluenza Teen" in Custody.. What Should His Punishment Be?

Chung Tran's Avatar

remember, the guy who killed 4 people while drunk at age 16? he is now 18, fled probation authorities some 3 weeks ago, after being filmed at a beer party.. just found in Puerto Vallarta.

considering his very light sentence before, and his casual attitude, his sense of entitlement.. 10 years would be a proper sentence, I think.. and one for Momma as well, for harboring a fugitive.
Tx Noob's Avatar
Revoke his probation and put him in a cell with a big hairy guy named Tiny.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Don't rush to extradite him. Several years in a Mexican jail would do him a world of good. Then, when he and his husband Pablo are begging to return, commence the return efforts with maximum alacrity.

regreq's Avatar
"It's a hell of a thing, killin' a man. Take away all he's got, and all he's ever gonna have." ("Unforgiven")

FOUR dead people. Anything less than the perp's own life devalues the lives of his victims. His life is not adequate justice, but its all the justice possible on this ball of mud.
TexTushHog's Avatar
My guess is shock probation. Send him to the pen for 90 to 120 days and bring him back and put him on probation again. If he fucks up again, then he goes for the full sentence. But he's gotten himself a lot of bad publicity and in this case, having an elected judge hurts his chances.
Remote's Avatar
Max 8 - 10 yrs. I think life would have been fair. I don't know right from wrong defense? BULLSHIT.
I hope it's the max. Can't stand hearing about that little fucker. Throw the book at him and be done with it.
dallasfan's Avatar
That other judge that got 'affluenced' is gone now. Too much publicity on this case now. There will have to be a harsh initial sentence and then when the case disappears from the headlines he will probably get an early probation.
He needs to go to the state pen. No special treatment, he gets his time with the other killers. Lets see, skipping out on probation, fleeing the state, fleeing the country....should be several years on that alone. Then his mom who possibly aided his "escape" and harboring a fugitive... Yes I understand a mom will do what she can for her kids, but there is a point where you draw the line...She done crossed it and deserves some time in the common pokey as well. I am sure both won't be well treated...and I am sorry to say I am good with that in this case.
Idk how much money they have but I've always thought they looked and acted like white trash.

The phrase, "so poor that all they have is money" certainly applies. What a collective pile of shit they are.
plove35's Avatar
So lets get this straight a poor person who grew up around drugs, violence and without true.positive adult supervision...commits a crime says that was thier issue and the courts say that is not a defense and gets tbe book thrown at them. And this guy who has everything gets drunk kills four people (including a youth pastor), only gets probation....

With the current state of affairs of this country I would not be shocked if he receives just additional probation and the mommy will just get her slapped.

Boy to be rich and white in America must be nice
I think it's just rich. Look at OJ. Money buys a lot of things. Including subjective justice.
plove35's Avatar
OJ was more celebrity than rich. But the audacity of saying im rich so I am not responsible is just a terrible message to.send.

But whatever, I.hope the families sue thier asses off
I think it's a terrible message to send too. I agree with you though, it must be nice to be so rich that the law doesn't even apply to you.

Lemme smother your face in my tits and we can forget all about that little shit and his "sickness".
Damn, THN. I love that last paragraph! Already forgot about him after reading that.