CBS Apologizes for phony Benghazi story

Says they made a mistake. Says they got duped by a liar. Says the story was bullshit. Says they will apologize on the air for it tonight.

Another story says the original story with the lies and misinformation in it was aired in order to attract and appease the conservative audience.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and this changes the facts how? Americans died and Obama lied.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Makes you wonder how much pressure they got to recant.
Makes you wonder how much pressure they got to recant. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The guy they featured in the story had previously given a statement to the FBI in connection with the incident that apparently completely contradicts what he told the CBS reporter. He had also previously asked for money from reporters who wanted to interview him. A CBS-owned publishing house was getting ready to publish a book he wrote about his apparent fabrications. A book he was selling....for money. He's a liar.

So, that's the kind of "pressure" they got to recant. Pressure emanating from facts.
and this changes the facts how? Americans died and Obama lied. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your Benghazi "scandal" is a hoax. Bunch of fucking republicans politicizing the tragic deaths of 4 Americans for political gain. The entire thing is designed to be utilized for 2016 and you and the rest of your ilk will do everything possible, including lying, cheating and stealing, to keep it alive so you can try to use it to smear Hillary Clinton.

Sorry, it's got no traction. Were bad decisions made? I've repeatedly said "yes". Were there mistakes? Yes. A scandal? Ridiculous.
And Hillary gives speeches for calling her a liar?

Yes she us a congential liar,.....Obama lied about Beghazi but you believed him....
Hell you lie all the time whirrly, and they still let you post here.
And Hillary gives speeches for calling her a liar?

Yes she us a congential liar,.....Obama lied about Beghazi but you believed him.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway CBS is lying? And, the story is true? Is that what you're trying to get at in your usual knuckleheaded way? By dragging President Obama into every single post and/or thread when it has shit to do with shinola?

Focus halfwit. We're talking about the Benghazi story that has turned out to be an embarrassment for you, CBS, Fox News and every other conservative whackaloon who crowed and trumpeted about it and who are now curiously silent when the story is definitively shown to be incorrect.

By the way, it should be "is", not "us", "congenital", not "congential" and "Benghazi", not "Beghazi" you fucking idiot.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Shouldn't that big titted pin cushion that interviewed him take some heat? She interviewed the liar, isn't on her to fact check, do some research?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-10-2013, 07:39 AM
and this changes the facts how? Americans died and Obama lied. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Bush lied, Americans died. A shit boat more than four btw...

We all have selective outrage it seems.
Well, I am still glad that our State Department did not let 4 Americans get brutally murdered by radical Muslims because we did not want to offer proper security out of the fear of offending those very Muslims.

It would be a shame if we ever let something like that happen.
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  • 11-10-2013, 08:04 AM

I see a few one-star reviews denouncing this book as some kind of liberal hoax. The hoax is exactly as Brock describes it: The "Benghazi scandal" is not a scandal. It's an example of how little control we have over events outside out borders, especially in places like Benghazi, Libya, where the tumult following a dictator's overthrow will last a decade or more.

The "scandal" is nothing but a Republican attempt to discredit Sec of State Hillary Clinton before the 2016 election.

Brock exposes all the rightwing lies about Benghazi:

-- there was NOT a Special Forces team at the embassy in Tripoli that was told to stand down by Obama;

-- there were not F-16's or AC-130 gunships or any other combat aircraft within a couple of hours flight time of Benghazi;

-- there was not a SEAL team in Italy or Cyprus or anywhere else that was told to stand down by Obama.

Buy it, read it, recommend it, and ignore the rightwingnutjobs.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Your Benghazi "scandal" is a hoax. Bunch of fucking republicans politicizing the tragic deaths of 4 Americans for political gain. The entire thing is designed to be utilized for 2016 and you and the rest of your ilk will do everything possible, including lying, cheating and stealing, to keep it alive so you can try to use it to smear Hillary Clinton.

Sorry, it's got no traction. Were bad decisions made? I've repeatedly said "yes". Were there mistakes? Yes. A scandal? Ridiculous. Originally Posted by timpage

A hoax? So no one died? No one is in prison for making a movie? Susan Rice did not go on TV and lie to the American people?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-10-2013, 11:07 AM
A hoax? So no one died? No one is in prison for making a movie? Susan Rice did not go on TV and lie to the American people?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

hoax is another big four letter word you should look up, and learn its definition ... right after you finish dissecting then and than..

glad I could help
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-10-2013, 11:09 AM
A hoax? So no one died? No one is in prison for making a movie? Susan Rice did not go on TV and lie to the American people?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, Bush lied and people died. You seem not to give a fuck about that. Do you not understand that this is just politics as usual? Are you that partisan?