Congrats - You Get to Keep Your Bad Apple Policies

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-14-2013, 10:32 AM
Our President is going to let you keep the lousy, overpriced, trust the insurance company policies if you want to do so. It would be smarter to purge the mess out of the system, but it looks like he has backed down, again.

In Insurance Companies I Trust!!

Not really! They will get away with whatever they government lets them - they are the greatest example that exists of why we regulate business!!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wow! I'm not going to be forced to buy pediatric dental care or ob gyn services. Thank you Lord Obama! We're unworthy of your benevolence. You make the rain fall, the flowers grow, and the sun shine in all our lives.....weeping on Bert's knees...

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 10:41 AM
Wow! I'm not going to be forced to buy pediatric dental care or ob gyn services. Thank you Lord Obama! We're unworthy of your benevolence. You make the rain fall, the flowers grow, and the sun shine in all our lives.....weeping on Bert's knees...

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

a pic of you on your knees ... thanks for sharing
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 10:43 AM
see there Bert ?

hell if Obama does, hell if he doesn't ... there's no satisfying stupid
hell if Obama does, hell if he doesn't ... there's no satisfying stupid Originally Posted by CJ7
What an idiotic statement. The issue is Obama bypassing the democratic process as he tries to dig himself out of the health care mess he created. He's trying to save the collective ass of the Democrats for the 2014 elections.
Wow! I'm not going to be forced to buy pediatric dental care or ob gyn services. Thank you Lord Obama! We're unworthy of your benevolence. You make the rain fall, the flowers grow, and the sun shine in all our lives.....weeping on Bert's knees...

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

CC might get you knee pads along with you pac of charlie wipes.
RandB fan's Avatar
he said Charlie wipes
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 11:01 AM
What an idiotic statement. The issue is Obama bypassing the democratic process as he tries to dig himself out of the health care mess he created. He's trying to save the collective ass of the Democrats for the 2014 elections. Originally Posted by filbone

we've been over this before sport .. remember when Obie delayed the law ? same response from the right

guess how the bypassing bs played out then?


same way it will play out now.

like I said ..

hell if Obama does, hell if he doesn't ... there's no satisfying stupid
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wow! I'm not going to be forced to buy pediatric dental care or ob gyn services. Thank you Lord Obama! We're unworthy of your benevolence. You make the rain fall, the flowers grow, and the sun shine in all our lives.....weeping on Bert's knees...

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are unworthy of anything right now, other than an "OK. Thanks for fixing that."

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Expect the whining to ratchet up.

Unfortunately, people care more about themselves than any particular political ethos.

When push comes to shove, they'll opt for what's best for them, even if that means NOT telling anybody. (In fact, I strongly suspect, some of the 26,000 enrollees are in this forum now. And NOT just me!)
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 11:31 AM
You are unworthy of anything right now, other than an "OK. Thanks for fixing that."

Assclown! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

he's worthy of the dudes dick thats hanging out ... bet he can fix that
Our President is going to let you keep the lousy, overpriced, trust the insurance company policies if you want to do so. It would be smarter to purge the mess out of the system, but it looks like he has backed down, again.

In Insurance Companies I Trust!!

Not really! They will get away with whatever they government lets them - they are the greatest example that exists of why we regulate business!!
Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Wow. The President is going to LET me keep my policy? Such benevolence.

And I wasn't even aware I needed his PERMISSION to engage in a contract for a legally provided service. I mistakenly believed you could DO that in a free society. Thanks for straightening me out.

But I have a question. What if my policy is not lousy and overpriced? What if I like the insurance policy I have? Will His Benevolence still LET me keep it?

Oooh wait. I have another question!

Since the White House has now admitted that they KNEW that lots of people would lose their coverage and His Benevolence actually LIED when he said "If you have a policy, you can keep it", how do we know he is not lying again when he says we can keep them for another year?

Also, what is your alternative to "In Insurance Companies I Trust!"? Is it "In Government I Trust!"? Because they can't even build an enrollment website.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 11:44 AM
Wow. The President is going to LET me keep my policy? Such benevolence.

And I wasn't even aware I needed his PERMISSION to engage in a contract for a legally provided service. I mistakenly believed you could DO that in a free society. Thanks for straightening me out.

But I have a question. What if my policy is not lousy and overpriced? What if I like the insurance policy I have? Will His Benevolence still LET me keep it? Originally Posted by ExNYer

actually, the law has been delayed.. nobody is letting you do anything

sounds good though
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-14-2013, 12:11 PM
Wow. The President is going to LET me keep my policy? Such benevolence.

And I wasn't even aware I needed his PERMISSION to engage in a contract for a legally provided service. I mistakenly believed you could DO that in a free society. Thanks for straightening me out.

But I have a question. What if my policy is not lousy and overpriced? What if I like the insurance policy I have? Will His Benevolence still LET me keep it?

Oooh wait. I have another question!

Since the White House has now admitted that they KNEW that lots of people would lose their coverage and His Benevolence actually LIED when he said "If you have a policy, you can keep it", how do we know he is not lying again when he says we can keep them for another year?

Also, what is your alternative to "In Insurance Companies I Trust!"? Is it "In Government I Trust!"? Because they can't even build an enrollment website. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Well, technically, they will no longer be allowing crappy, non compliant policies after next year. So, if your policy complies with the higher standards of the law, and your insurance company doesn't attempt to pull a fast one and blame Obama, you can elect to continue it. Just because some insurance companies fool people into believing they have a good deal, and got away with it as long as the policyholder stayed healthy and didn't need to utilize it, does not mean they had a good policy. They just got lucky they didn't need a good policy and thought they had good insurance. It won't be legally available if it doesn't comply - kind of like selling a car without emission controls. They won't "let" you drive it on the public highways.

They don't "let" an unlicensed Doctor operate on you, either. Nor do they "let" you buy an F16 to invade Mexico. They also don't "let" you get drunk and drive. They don't "let" you sell heroin. Need I go on, my friend?

Our government is not infallible - just like your favorite hooker. It has to be tended to on occasion.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
This will affect the insurance pool they need for ACA won't it? Anyway, I don't know why so many are squawking about the insurance cancellation notices as they don't take affect till January or something like that. In addition, these folks who are carrying on about their lousy health insurance policies are going to find they may have had a better deal through ACA if they had just been patient and waited for things to be fixed and working properly on the ACA website.