How did these acronyms come to be?

txAustin202's Avatar
Not long ago, I was scratching my head wondering if a French session involved a lot of kissing. So how did we end up using countries to mean what they mean today? Is there any meaning? Or did the hobbying community just pick them at random? French? Greek? Russian? Asian CG? Am I missing any other countries?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
HMMM good question...I always wondered the same.I hope some has the answer...Maybe we could all American..which can somehow include an apple pie??
knotty man's Avatar
the term greek came from the greek army's motto. "never leave you buddies behind"
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I found this on a sight called girls askaguy///

France has a long history of being world-famous for their prostitutes, and among the reasons for this is because they would do things that prostitutes from other places didn't do. Oral sex primarily. This was pretty exotic, though ironically, until the last 100 years or so, prostitutes in general were not, and were an excepted (though usually looked down upon) part of everyday life. If you read much history regarding French wars since the 1400s or so, you'll see references to French prostitues and their skill and reputation among soldiers, French and otherwise.

Greek (anal sex) comes of course from the fact that ancient Greeks routinely used prostitutes, and not only used females, but also young males.
Thanks for the researched answer, VictoriaLyn. I am always happy to learn.