Just an observation

johnnieknox's Avatar
This place is very dysfunctional. Is there any other hobby forum I could go to where the men don't hate women, and the women don't hate their jobs? I gotta tell ya, I am starting to wonder if some of you aren't closeted homos. You people aren't very nice here. Not a friendly... I repeat, NOT a friendly!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Awww Johnnie...

It's a sad revelation to admit that our once very close-knit community here has become a nasty place. Truly saddens people like myself who enjoyed making our socials happen so I could see my hobby friends casually for some chat & flirtation while catching up with each other. There was a serious side of our co-ed discussion but it was rarely hostile. I think the people who weren't happy w/ our old stomping grounds went a bit too extreme in their own preferences leaving some middle ground still available for willing participants.

Sure, it's a business with clients & customers, but that doesn't mean a friendly camaraderie shouldn't be a part of the relationship. It's worked for me over the years which is probably why I don't have to spend all my time wading through the bullshit & ego trips on forum boards to be a part of the scene. There's still some good souls here... Just have to back off when things are hinky like this... Things mellow & new threads get started so we can move on for a while again.

Keep the faith, Dude! Let's talk sex! It's my FAVORITE subject.
you are just seeing one side of it all, . the board does not reflect reality, hell that should be pretty obbvious...
If you take a quick look, you'll see the drama revolves around about a half-dozen posters. The rest of us occasionally snicker at them from afar, figure out pretty quickly which threads and posters to ignore, and go about our hobby. So long as the mods keep the shit-throwing from infecting unrelated threads, the rest of us can still enjoy ourselves.
knotty man's Avatar
this place has a very delicate eco -system, due to its clandestine nature. we dance a very intimate dance. between flirting and teasing and buying and selling. we balance incredible intimacy with distant familiarity.
with that being said. there are those who say we give the "squeaky wheels" too much power. i dont believe so. it doesnt take a stong wind to blow down a house of cards. it takes a whole crew to keep a ship afloat but only a few (ass) holes to sink it.
my best advise it .when you see a hole in this ship. allow the crew (mods) to fix it. dont keep pickin at the scab. it only grows bigger and becomes infectuos. hobby your game and play how and with who you like. dont give the "hole" any more power than it already has.
remember it only took a faulty O-ring to bring down the challenger and set NASA back a decade. allow the repair men to do their jobs and dont become part of the problem too
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I love my job!!!! LOL

But yes some people are pretty ruthless here i agree, i think they are the ones not gettin laid enough
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
I love my job!!!! LOL

But yes some people are pretty ruthless here i agree, i think they are the ones not gettin laid enough Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I love to fuck and getting paid for it is awesome who would hate that?? wait i know a few but its already been established that they are bat shit crazy so who cares? LOL Jonnie the happy guys in the hobby are the ones who stick to fucking and not posting 24/7
WyldemanATX's Avatar
It is all in fun....

I love all the Ladies......
Some things will Never change and I've come to the conclusion this place is one of them thus why I very rarely post anymore. There is no point in griping about it.
If you hang out in a public restroom don't complain about the stench of urinals. When you participate you find yourself becoming the very thing you dislike.

a) As others have suggested, simply hit the ignore button on every poster you consider to be unpleasant so you will not be affected. This is assuming you don't actually enjoy the drama on some level. Publicly complaining about it is actually contributing to and participating in it.
b) Only use the site for what it is originally intended. That would NOT be day time soaps.

To be honest a place like this overrun by superficial pleasantries, compliments and ass kissing is BORING. When Whispers got booted it took all of 48 hours before the complaints started coming in about how boring the site had become. This is more a Jerry Springer audience than an Oprah. Not a Springer fan myself but I would watch him before Oprah. My solution was to turn off the TV altogether and stick with Netflix where I can pick and choose my own poison.

I don't know if the agitators are getting laid or not although that slam is just another part of the "tit for tat" game. What I do know is they Love their posts to be read. That's an easy fix called the ignore button.

Reviews, Provider ads and Alerts are really All you need to benefit from this site. Don't expect warm and fuzzy from the rest of it because on this site everybody wants something from somebody else whether it be $$, Play or ego stroking. No one comes to a place like this to be loved for who they are. At least I hope not.
It is all in fun....

I love all the Ladies......
Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Some people would consider rolling homeless drunks, racial slurs or sexual harassment "all in fun" too. That's simply a cop out and irrational justification for poor behavior. Don't you hate it when somebody sticks you with a mean spirited hurtful remark and then immediately follows it up with "Just Kidding"?
That not only makes them mean spirited but dishonest and cowardly as well.
LOL I've been saying the same thing for awhile now. Many fellas here are Sadists. Me? True, I hate my job!! But I love the money.
I love my job!!!! LOL
Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Me too. It really show with you JJ and SS.

the happy guys in the hobby are the ones who stick to fucking and not posting 24/7 Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
This is so true. I really feel sorry for those guys (the ones that don't post much) when they try to write a review and gets discredited. Or people automatically assume that the girl herself posted it. I just think we have to realize everyone started somewhere in the hobby....or did they post their 10,000+ posts in one month? Sometime it seems that way. I probably have 200 posts. I just couldn't imagine how much time I would spending at the computer if I had 10x that.

I am serious when I say, some people around here should be getting paid for as much as they post. Or go apply for a stealth marketing job somewhere, because you all got what it takes. And that's a compliment. Also I think the mods should get paid with as much work as they do....but that's a whole other thread that I am not willing to start. Just my opinion.


I love many of the posters eloquence and sense of humor. I swear some of my favorite posters are knotty man, Victoria Lynn, Roxanne, Budman33..... I guess It's all the way you perceive things. I try to see the good in what people are saying and respect that some are going to have opinions (which they are free to express) that I don't agree with. And sometimes I don't agree but I end up seeing their side of the matter. I also see it this way; the more people talk the more they reveal about themselves. The more they reveal about themselves, the more you can deal with them accordingly. Thats about the nicest way I could have stated that. I hope it made sense. If not, I will be happy to put it more blunt and crass.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Some people would consider rolling homeless drunks, racial slurs or sexual harassment "all in fun" too. That's simply a cop out and irrational justification for poor behavior. Don't you hate it when somebody sticks you with a mean spirited hurtful remark and then immediately follows it up with "Just Kidding"?
That not only makes them mean spirited but dishonest and cowardly as well. Originally Posted by Codybeast

Seriously are you pulling my leg???? This is a message board on the internet.....It is a adult fantasy board on the internet....Lighten up big boy...Unless they can stick there hand through the computer screen and hit you in the face then who gives a shit what someone says....
Budman's Avatar
Me too. It really show with you JJ and SS.

This is so true. I really feel sorry for those guys (the ones that don't post much) when they try to write a review and get discredited. Or people automatically assume that the girl herself posted it. I just think we have to realize everyone started somewhere in the hobby....or did they post their 10,000+ posts in one month? Sometime it seems that way. I'm probably have 200 posts. I just couldn't imagine how much time I would spending at the computer if I had 10x that. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin

I don't think that is a fair statement. Newbies are not discredited or picked on because they are newbies. Their reviews may be questioned for a variety of reasons some of which are;

1. They show up and review several providers that nobody has ever heard of.

2. They give a glowing review of a provider who has just recieved a bad review. Looks like damage control.

3. They submit a review without taking the time to include the information necessary to help others make a decision.

Codybeast hit the nail on the head. This place is very boring when all you have is a bunch of ass kissing and platitudes.