Sheriff Arpaio Files Defamation Suits Against CNN and Other Lame-Stream Media Types

I B Hankering's Avatar
Let CNN suffer the consequences of its Fake News reporting.

Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio files defamation suits against media organizations, seeks over $300 million in damages

Joe Arpaio, the former Arizona sheriff whom President Donald Trump pardoned last year, has filed a defamation suit against CNN, HuffPost, and Rolling Stone, saying the news organizations "published false and defamatory statements" about him.

(Business Insider)
winn dixie's Avatar
This is outstanding news! Such a great and honorable man should not have to tolerate such hatred! Fuck cnn and double fuck without lube msnbc........
  • oeb11
  • 12-11-2018, 04:20 PM
Arpaio has a tough legal hurdle - see link

He must prove not only :

If you believe you have been "defamed," to prove it you usually have to show there's been a statement that is all of the following:
  • published
  • false
  • injurious
  • unprivileged
  • And - When public officials are accused of something that involves their behavior in office, they have to prove all of the above elements of defamation and they must also prove that the defendant acted with "actual malice". "Actual malice" means that the person who made the statement knew it wasn't true, or didn't care whether it was true or not and was reckless with the truth -- for example, when someone has doubts about the truth of a statement but does not bother to check further before publishing it.
  • This standard is from a 1964 case v the NY Times. It is a very high legal bar to vault - and those suing are very rarely successful.
  • Why - the decision is done to support the Freedom of Speech 1st Amendment.
bamscram's Avatar
Poor Joe another victim like Trump.
themystic's Avatar
A pardoned felon with hurt feelings. What is it with the Republican victim consciousness. I hope we don't have any serious threats to our country. These modern day Republicans are some real pussies
Sheriff Arpaio won't see a penny.

George Zimmerman sued NBC after the Trayvon Martin trial for editing the 911 tape and portraying him as a racist. The judge threw it out because Zimmerman was a "public celebrity".

The bar is too high. Basically any media outlet can call anyone a "racist" with impunity.
themystic's Avatar
Sheriff Arpaio won't see a penny.

George Zimmerman sued NBC after the Trayvon Martin trial for editing the 911 tape and portraying him as a racist. The judge threw it out because Zimmerman was a "public celebrity".

The bar is too high. Basically any media outlet can call anyone a "racist" with impunity. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I agree, Every judge in the country will take your side of the argument. Your opinion is right on the money. It happens with Fox, CNN, MSNBC and the rest. They all say racist shit if it fits their viewing audience
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sheriff Arpaio won't see a penny.

George Zimmerman sued NBC after the Trayvon Martin trial for editing the 911 tape and portraying him as a racist. The judge threw it out because Zimmerman was a "public celebrity".

The bar is too high. Basically any media outlet can call anyone a "racist" with impunity. Originally Posted by gnadfly
"Racist" is a subjective term, and NBC lied about why they edited the tape: a lie that Zimmerman couldn't disprove.

Meanwhile, CNN, et al, called Arpaio a "felon" during a political campaign -- which Arpaio didn't win and which he attributes to CNN, et al, defaming him.

"Felon" is a legal term with a legal definition, that isn't at all subjective. "Arpaio has never been convicted of a felony."
Sheriff Arpaio won't see a penny.

George Zimmerman sued NBC after the Trayvon Martin trial for editing the 911 tape and portraying him as a racist. The judge threw it out because Zimmerman was a "public celebrity".

The bar is too high. Basically any media outlet can call anyone a "racist" with impunity. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Then what's the point in having defamation laws, if the media can break it with impunity??
Sheriff Arpaio won't see a penny.

George Zimmerman sued NBC after the Trayvon Martin trial for editing the 911 tape and portraying him as a racist. The judge threw it out because Zimmerman was a "public celebrity".

The bar is too high. Basically any media outlet can call anyone a "racist" with impunity. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The term "racist" is subjective. So if you call someone a racist, it can simply be an opinion.

Being a felon, or not being a felon is a fact. If CNN called the Sheriff a Felon, and he has not been convicted of a felony, that is not subjective, that is a fact.

He might have a good case.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-12-2018, 12:49 AM
The t

He might have a good case. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yea sounds about right....300 million.

That is not lawsuit abuse.

Maybe they should have said he was a pardoned felon!