Scroguard? Preventing STI

Arandomniceguy's Avatar
I saw this ad for a product called Scrogard

Now I do have a SO, so I worry about bringing things home, you know? But the hobby has risks. I mean I try and minimize those by finding girls I really adore and being regular - so not a random stranger every time, and not as many. I've doused in rubbing alcohol afterwards a few times. Ive said 'no' when a situation is too sketchy, etc but none if this guarantees anything.

I think this Scroguard kind of thing might actually make me feel a lot less paranoid that I could bring home something but has anyone here tried it? It looks like it might be kinda like doing it through my boxers (which I have done and isnt the worst). Girls, what do you think? Dudes? Is it uncomfortable or weird? Does it smell? Is a girl going to get offended or like it?
Arandomniceguy's Avatar
i jumped the gun a bit. Its a product that is coming out this summer according to the website. i looked for maybe a similar product already out but I didnt find anything. I still want to know what other people think of it.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
It looks ridiculous but if a guy wants to wear it I won't stop him.
Madame X's Avatar
I'm not sure why the scroguard is any better than the full sheaths that latex fetishists wear... These come in better colors
Arandomniceguy's Avatar
That's a very interesting point, thanks. I don't have personal experience with either product. From the photos it does appear that the scroguard product is going to be thinner and perhaps much closer to the comfort of regular underwear. It also just has a hole for the male part. The pics of the fetish garment has an interchangeable ? removable?? part. Looks sweatier and more likely to show through clothing. What's your experience?
Madame X's Avatar
Hmm... my experience

I'm a woman, but I have seen and enjoyed men wearing full sheaths, full briefs, and full suits of latex. I also have a full latex wardrobe, including catsuits. From a fetishist's point of view, wearing latex (or seeing someone else wear it) in and of itself is pleasurable, so I'm not sure it's quite comparable, lol. But, it is safe from the traditional point of view.

The thinner the latex, the harder it is to keep safe and cared for. I figured that I'd point that out, since the scroguard seems a little expensive to treat as a disposable item.

And, you're a man. I will say that in the lesbian community, safe sex is also encouraged with the use of dental dams, or thin latex sheets that prevent sharing bodily fluids during cunnilingus. You'd probably do well to cover your boys with one of those, and secure it with one of these awesome and way-more-durable-looking-than-the-scroguard harnesses

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
At least that looks nicer lol
Arandomniceguy's Avatar
I wouldn't have presumed to ask broadly about your experience, though I appreciated and enjoyed that you did. I was thinking experience with latex garments in terms of comfort at different thicknesses, but I see that the physical comfort may not even be of any concern.

Your response was informative, illustrative, entertaining and helpful as well. Thank you!

(now you have me thinking about cat suits, (meow))