surprising free speech

offshoredrilling's Avatar
surprising free speech

seems alive and well in this forum

But by some right wingers errrr WTF
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Is that supposed to be English?
bambino's Avatar
Is that supposed to be English? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That’s a surprisingly good good effort from him.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
surprising free speech

seems alive and well
But by some right wingers? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
ok what left is copy n paste from Google

ya in a way google not safe, but bad English ???
did the word "forum" confuse you ???
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'm getting that eccie is not iPhone friendly,

I'll go with BS on that
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I worked in IT for 30 years

granted in hardware that became on the most part throwaway
but one had to know some software to do the job

So I taint buying iPhone is ECCIE unfriendly
even if it was with Big Blue stuff I worked on
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
reading HEX will do that to ya
chefnerd's Avatar
Not only reading it gut trying to do math with at 2 AM before there were calculators for it.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Before the abacus we used bird foot scratches in the sand.
Damn tide wiped out our gravatron theory before we got to wormholes.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Before the abacus we used bird foot scratches in the sand.
Damn tide wiped out our gravatron theory before we got to wormholes. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
is that what uses ???
bambino's Avatar
And you still can’t open their links!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
And you still can’t open their links! Originally Posted by bambino
Story time
I get a call for a tree eating printer

I called the main Frame system tech, On way but far away can you reboot the printer for me.

I get there my coworker system tech shows me a hex dump points and says see what your printer is doing to my main frame. I asked can you put that in binary for me. So he read it to me in Canadian English. lots of EH.

And rebooting the printer did not fix. mmmm did you also reboot the bus n tag interface in that printer. NO why, The printer itself can not put hits on the bus n tag. Whew when I rebooted all of, it worked, buying time to order a board for the bus n tag interface part of the printer, Why printer uses two powers sources is beyond me.But it stopped the hits so board was handy when it started again a few days later.

I know you did not understand any of that
when fixing even for a temp fix, Half ass will not cut it
mmmmmm But after that He never out n out blame my printer

well really the customers total system, But in that world you took ownership of the parts you work on

"I get a call for a tree eating printer" mmmm that could be confusing

So in one 8 hour shift that printer could use up 3 pallets of cut sheet paper. And that customer did that a lot

Lots of box's on a pallet.
bambino's Avatar
That explains everything.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
That explains everything. Originally Posted by bambino
"But after that He never out n out blame my printer"

so lets say if using a seemly unreliable site
post link or content if just the content can be posted ??????
Hell even a relabel site, if pic content works better faster

bit more

the bus n tag interface is a add on in the printer. That could be changed to match the main frame and bus n tag system. So really the printer just a printer. The bus n tag interface really is part of the main frame system.

PC world you can/t plug a printer into the computer. Why they have ports. ports not the same as bus n tag. Main Frame its like plugging printer into computer. Slower printers coax port used to link to computer. But in a PC add in(like a sound board) boards are part of as plugged into the Bus inside