Why do you Trump lovers think the economy is doing bad?

WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-04-2023, 02:25 PM
I think they just let the forum's economic guru out of the closet, maybe he can explain.

Redhot1960's Avatar
I think they just let the forum's economic guru out of the closet, maybe he can explain.

https://thehill.com/policy/finance/3...his-past-week/ Originally Posted by WTF
Why do you Trump lovers think the economy is do bad?

You still have some time to correct the typo in your sheople thread, wtf...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-04-2023, 02:52 PM
Why do you Trump lovers think the economy is doing bad?

You still have some time to correct the typo in your sheople thread, wtf... Originally Posted by Redhot1960
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  • 02-04-2023, 03:03 PM
The U.S. added 517,000 jobs in January, blowing away analyst projections, while the unemployment rate dipped to 3.4 percent, the lowest in 54 years. Economists had expected unemployment to rise.
... Let's see what downward adjustments they make to the
February numbers before we cheer too much... Ok, mate?

'Course IF the economy was doin' so well and what-not,
then WHY did the Economists expect a rise in unemployment??
Just askin'

#### Salty
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  • 02-04-2023, 05:47 PM
Because, in case you haven't noticed, intrest rates are on the rise.
The jobs numbers posted by the government haven't made sense for the last 5 to 10 years.

I know the many of the USDA numbers they post on acres and crop size are just plain wrong and make zero sense.

When Credit Card debt is increasing, and Credit Card defaults are increasing, it means the economy is tanking for the average worker.
ICU 812's Avatar
One does not need to be a so-called "Trump-Lover" to think we could be doing better economically. I am retired with aq disability, so some side-hustle is not really an option. Butter is now over $4.00 a pound. I saw a roasting chicken at Kroger priced at $21.00 the other day. A trip through a fast-food drive through costs about as much as a dinner for two at Chilies or Appleby's did before Obamacare.

My 401(K) is shrinking and I start mandatory withdrawals in March. I would replace my paid-for Pickup with something newer, but even a whoopty beater is a really tough nut to make.

The interest on the National Debt is about exceed what we, as a nation caqn raise in taxes. The money has been debased to the point where it is nearly worthless. . . .the price of gold (or chicken) is not high, the value of the dollar is low.

Unemployment numbers are reported as low, but the number of folks not working is high. Our national budget is trillions, but most of it is committed to entitled programs, . . .only 16% is classed as discretionary spending. So, if we want to reduce spending, only 16% of the total can be considered.

Now, there is a lot of blame to be widely spread around for all that, years and decades of blame, but if you were to ask me if I am better today than I was in say, 2018, I would have to say NO.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
To answer the OP's question/inquiry, I would like to read what you whiners about Biden do for a living. My guess is nothing. For those of us posting in this forum out their grinding, our checks haven't changed.

I honestly could not give a fuck less who is president because my checks/money will be the same regardless... I'll still live in the same overpriced home because of the zip code and still drive overpriced cars even if Daffy Duck is president.

Edit for below: I'm fully aware of the inflation. I have to buy things too. I just don't give a fuck about it because I purposely picked an occupation that money would never be a problem for me. Having said that, I won't even bother to state the amount of money I donate to people who are less fortunate than I am. I have empathy for them as well and I put my money where my mouth is... the more money I make, the more I give away. I don't believe in just taking as much as I can get without giving as well.

And no, I don't live in an "Ivory Tower". If I don't produce at my job, the firm I work for would fire me in two seconds. I definitely don't have the luxury to suck at my job like Biden does. LOL
To answer the OP's question, I would like to read what you whiners about Biden do for a living. My guess is nothing. For those of us posting in this forum, out their grinding, our checks haven't changed. I honestly could give a fuck who is president because my checks/money will be the same regardless... I'll still live in the same overpriced home because of the zip code and still drive overpriced cars even if Daffy Duck is president. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

I actively farm, and total costs for household expense has dramatically increased, mainly from policies pushed by Democrats and Biden.

Car prices have dramatically increased because of the war on fossil fuels and push for electric vehicles.

Not sure what you do Lucas, but it appears you live in the same ivory tower as Biden, divorced from economic reality.
The U.S. added 517,000 jobs in January, blowing away analyst projections, while the unemployment rate dipped to 3.4 percent, the lowest in 54 years. Economists had expected unemployment to rise. Originally Posted by WTF
That's nice a bunch of jobs, so what. What's the buying power of those that are employed?
MrColt1911's Avatar
When Credit Card debt is increasing, and Credit Card defaults are increasing, it means the economy is tanking for the average worker. Originally Posted by farmstud60
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  • 02-05-2023, 07:04 AM
I see the problem now...all these Trump lovers are broke ass bitches who like to cry about their shitty life choices on a hooker board!

Get a better job boys...they're plenty out there.

And go to HEB for roasted chickens...they're 6 bucks!
I see the problem now...all these Trump lovers are broke ass bitches who like to cry about their shitty life choices on a hooker board!

Get a better job boys...they're plenty out there.

And go to HEB for roasted chickens...they're 6 bucks! Originally Posted by WTF

Another idiotic response. Let them eat cake!!!!!

Why do Democrats never learn economics?
MrColt1911's Avatar
I see the problem now...all these Trump lovers are broke ass bitches who like to cry about their shitty life choices on a hooker board!

Get a better job boys...they're plenty out there.

And go to HEB for roasted chickens...they're 6 bucks! Originally Posted by WTF
what's even worse is using a "hooker board" to defend some dumb ass politician that wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire! LOL
and i'm not even a trump "lover" BTW