
winn dixie's Avatar
62% of America know joeys biden is a pos and done nothing!
And theyre right
So who do you think isn't a POS?

Moot point. You're pissed because no one gives a shit what you think. One minute you're a trumpy and the next minute you're a trumpy who claims he isn't a trumpy.
The only thing you're consistent at is misrepresenting info and lying.

Tell us where your 62% comes from and I'll point out why you're wrong.
62% of America know joeys biden is a pos and done nothing!
And theyre right Originally Posted by winn dixie
ICU 812's Avatar
President Biden has a long public history. Who he is, is well documented in his own words and actions.

In the early days of the modern civil rights movement, he was an openly oppressive white supremacist along with other southern Democrats such as Senator Byrd (D WV). In the mid 1980s when he was caught flagrantly plagiarizing a British politician and had to drop out of presidential contention. In the current day he has reputedly made public statements that reporters can prove to be blatantly false as he is speaking to them.

Along the way, he and his family have accumulated wealth undreamed of by most Americans, all due to his various positions and connections.

President Biden has shown himself to be without principle, conscience or ethical foundation.
ICU 812's Avatar
So who do you think isn't a POS?

Moot point. You're pissed because no one gives a shit what you think. One minute you're a trumpy and the next minute you're a trumpy who claims he isn't a trumpy.
The only thing you're consistent at is misrepresenting info and lying.

Tell us where your 62% comes from and I'll point out why you're wrong.
Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
POS? Please re-read my characterization of Mr. Biden posted above. I think "POS" about sums that up.

Now, I am not saying that all of the above quoted post is right. . . .but I would note that even if one has character flaws, that does not preclude one from concisely reporting facts as they have presented to the public.

The 62% post is, I think, right on the mark. . . .as is the POS characterization...
winn dixie's Avatar

abc/post reports that 2 years into the biden presidency. 62% of americans feel like biden has done nothing or VERY little!
when ultra lib media mainstays report numbers like this. In reality its much worse!....

ICU 812's Avatar
Ignoring the content of the SOTU tonight, President Biden's actual performance may finally give the progressive string pullers the undeniable and unavoidable reason to dump Bisen for 2024.

If they don't balance his medications just right, he might implode on live TV.

Their next delimma will then be how to dump V Harris.
he was an openly oppressive white supremacist Originally Posted by ICU 812

Senator Biden was the sponsor of the 1994 crime bill that lead to mass incarceration of minorities and his speech on the Senate floor to "Lock the SOB's up"

ICU 812's Avatar
Senator Biden opposed the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. . . .what Thomas called, " . . .a high-tech lynching!".
So who do you think isn't a POS?

Moot point. You're pissed because no one gives a shit what you think. One minute you're a trumpy and the next minute you're a trumpy who claims he isn't a trumpy.
The only thing you're consistent at is misrepresenting info and lying.

Tell us where your 62% comes from and I'll point out why you're wrong.
Originally Posted by Tigbitties38

... Well, first off, some people care about what he thinks
- he got at least 4 "likes" for his comment.

And second - he showed where the "62%" came from.
The Washington Post and ABC-news.

'Course maybe YOU have a good point also, as both
The Post and ABC-news are widely known for MIS-INFORMATION.

Reckon we surely can't have everything...

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar
Biden lowered the Federal Budget deficit by 1.5 Trillion dollars fiscal year 2022. Got the unemployment rate down to 3.5%. The lowest it has been in 54 years. Got the price of gas to come down by opening up the Federal Reserves. Added the $1400 stimulus that Trump wanted but could not get it passed. Go sleepy Joe.

winn dixie's Avatar
Biden lowered the Federal Budget deficit by 1.5 Trillion dollars fiscal year 2022. Got the unemployment rate down to 3.5%. The lowest it has been in 54 years. Got the price of gas to come down by opening up the Federal Reserves. Added the $1400 stimulus that Trump wanted but could not get it passed. Go sleepy Joe.

https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/amer...ional-deficit/ Originally Posted by adav8s28
Off subject yet still-
62% think hes done nothing in 2 tears!
And majority of dems dont want biden to run again!
I really really want biden to run again!
Biden lowered the Federal Budget deficit by 1.5 Trillion dollars fiscal year 2022. Got the unemployment rate down to 3.5%. The lowest it has been in 54 years. Got the price of gas to come down by opening up the Federal Reserves. Added the $1400 stimulus that Trump wanted but could not get it passed. Go sleepy Joe.

https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/amer...ional-deficit/ Originally Posted by adav8s28

All lies, the deficit was reduced by the automatic stoppage of covid programs.

Trump had the unemployment rate at record lows. Biden's number within margin of error of the statistic.

Raised gas prices dramatically, then reduced the safety of the of United States by emptying the Strategic Reserve to buy votes.
Ripmany's Avatar
He just said he signed 300 bills. I know he's making people's lives so everything hell
Since you want to go literal, he said,
"62% of America know joeys biden is a pos and done nothing!"
62% didn't say he had done nothing.
The same poll showed more confidence in Biden (31%) than McCarthy (19%) and more confidence in dems in congress (28%) than repubs in congress (25%). The term "POS" didn't show at all but using your numbers, Americans think repubs and especially McCarthy are even bigger pieces of shit. 4 likes is statistically insignificant and means nothing to me. "Like" doesn't mean you care about something. They are not synonyms. Especially on a site that makes OAN look truthful.
Also, your claim the Post and ABC are widely known for misinformation is bullshit. Maybe you could give a few examples. On the other hand, you personally are known to constantly post misinformation. You seldom post links that support many of your "facts". When you are proven wrong you continue to push misinformation and falsehoods. I can give numerous examples but we know you'll claim you aren't wrong (while providing no proof to back your position).

=Salty Again;1063096897]... Well, first off, some people care about what he thinks
- he got at least 4 "likes" for his comment.

And second - he showed where the "62%" came from.
The Washington Post and ABC-news.

'Course maybe YOU have a good point also, as both
The Post and ABC-news are widely known for MIS-INFORMATION.

Reckon we surely can't have everything...

#### Salty[/QUOTE]
winn dixie's Avatar

Cant refute a liberal respected polls and reporting


Top that with many dem voters do not want biden to run again!