Birdwatchers Gather To See Rare Bird...Which Flies Into A Turbine, Dies

Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! You can't make this shit up!!??!!??!!??!!

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Birdwatchers Gather To See Rare Bird...Which Flies Into A Turbine, Dies

by Jon David Kahn 1 Jul 2013, 10:28 AM PDT

SCOTLAND -- 80 birdwatchers got together in Scotland to get a glimpse of a White-throated Needletail: a rare bird that has not been seen in the United Kingdom for 22 years. The birders were there to watch the world's fastest flying bird, instead they witnessed it fly directly into a wind turbine where it was killed instantly.

According to Bird Guides' Josh Jones: "It was seen by birders fly straight into the turbine."

Suicide has not been ruled out.
I wish I could have seen their horrified faces. LOL
JCM800's Avatar
what video of this?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's a lie... Everything that comes out of beerbelly's mouth is a lie.
Seems odd but their are a lot of migratory birds killed each year by wind farms.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I see we now have another understudy to gritsboy and J Buttboy Corneyhole in the useless bullshit department.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lets get rid of the wind farms. Let the birds choke on oil fumes!