Great Ironies of Liberalism

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Harvard University, the liberal bastion of greatness in education, is highly selective in its admissions process. The reason they are great is they only let in great people. They would tell you it takes the best people to be the best.
So, how does it follow that liberals want to let the poor, tired huddled masses into the country - how will that help us become a great country?
LexusLover's Avatar
So, how does it follow that liberals want to let the poor, tired huddled masses into the country - how will that help us become a great country? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Because they will vote for the liberals and the liberals think they know better .. ask them!
Fucking assholes America is a country of immigrants.
Read the title of the thread

Was thinking this could be good for there are so many ironies. The illogicality of the left is widespread and pervasive

Your substance was poor and belied the title
Harvard University, the liberal bastion of greatness in education, is highly selective in its admissions process. The reason they are great is they only let in great people. They would tell you it takes the best people to be the best.
So, how does it follow that liberals want to let the poor, tired huddled masses into the country - how will that help us become a great country? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Let me field this watermelon of a pitch that you are too stupid to understand....even though you tossed it.

Because the poor, tired, huddled masses frequently include the "best people to be the best?"

I get that you are so fucking clueless that this basic concept is apparently beyond your understanding. But, that's on you....not Harvard....fucking dumbass.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Harvard University, the liberal bastion of greatness in education, is highly selective in its admissions process. The reason they are great is they only let in great people. They would tell you it takes the best people to be the best.
So, how does it follow that liberals want to let the poor, tired huddled masses into the country - how will that help us become a great country? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Harvard is in the middle of a grade inflation scandal. The median grade is an A-. So either everyone is a genius or they are padding the grades.

Was going to throw them a bone by having GW Bush here but I actually like this picture.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-21-2014, 10:09 AM
So, how does it follow that liberals want to let the poor, tired huddled masses into the country - how will that help us become a great country? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Same way all immigrants before them did....hard work. Our problem is the welfare state, not immigration.
Same way all immigrants before them did....hard work. Our problem is the welfare state, not immigration. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF you really surprised me with that comment

I would have fallen off my chair if you had added the word "legal" in front of immigration
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-21-2014, 10:27 AM
well, conservatives were never immigrants to begin with .... T-Rex shit them out as digested Africans
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Same way all immigrants before them did....hard work. Our problem is the welfare state, not immigration. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes, the welfare state is part of the problem, no doubt.
However, no one can make the case that any immigrant is good for America. The immigrants that came here and worked hard probably have readily identifiable characteristics we should use to guide future immigration. Additionally, no one denies some immigrants coming in are bad for the country. We should research them as well to define who to keep out.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Let me field this watermelon of a pitch that you are too stupid to understand....even though you tossed it.

Because the poor, tired, huddled masses frequently include the "best people to be the best?"

I get that you are so fucking clueless that this basic concept is apparently beyond your understanding. But, that's on you....not Harvard....fucking dumbass. Originally Posted by timpage
So why don't we use the Harvard type metric and only take the best 2% who apply?
Taking in the million new people each year strains the system. Just because some are great doesn't mean the average immigrant helps us. We should only take in people who can demonstratively help us, and not rely on dreamy generalizations about being a nation of immigrants. Up until the 1960's, it was work or starve, and we didn't have sentimental myths about who built the nation.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-21-2014, 11:20 AM
However, no one can make the case that any immigrant is good for America. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Do you actually read what you post?

Where is your "Return the Americas to Their Pre-1492 State!" mantra.

No immigrants? Really? One of the most stupid comments on here ever posted by someone who admits he is a descendent of immigrants--and man is THAT an insult.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Do you actually read what you post?

Where is your "Return the Americas to Their Pre-1492 State!" mantra.

No immigrants? Really? One of the most stupid comments on here ever posted by someone who admits he is a descendent of immigrants--and man is THAT an insult. Originally Posted by Old-T
So you think that any immigrant, no matter how poor, sick, criminal, etc is good for the country?
That's what I meant, "No one can make the case that just any immigrant (out of a million a year) who shows up is good for the country." I think we should limit it to the best 50,000 or so who apply, regardless of the race canard people throw up when it is really an economics issue.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-21-2014, 11:50 AM
a Jew starting a thread about letting the "poor,tired huddled masses" into the country

talk about irony ? talk about JL, the stupid son of a bitch without a brain.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
So you think that any immigrant, no matter how poor, sick, criminal, etc is good for the country?
That's what I meant, "No one can make the case that just any immigrant (out of a million a year) who shows up is good for the country." I think we should limit it to the best 50,000 or so who apply, regardless of the race canard people throw up when it is really an economics issue. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Yes, I do think any immigrant is a good thing, but no one could make the case because you wouldn't be swayed anyhow.

The more genes in the pool the better the best are. Natural Selection is the best determining method, certainly better than any self-proclaimed experts.

The minute you stop growing and shift your focus to protecting what you have is the same minute you start to decay.

When did we stop trying to make more states? Why stop at fifty? I know we added territories, but why not Quebec or Chihuahua for the 51st state? Take some focus off the ineffective federal government bloated with misguided attempts to solve problems that belong to local municipalities.