i knew we were fucked over global warming. but i never thought it would happen this fast..

  • pxmcc
  • 10-08-2024, 06:05 AM
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Ihre verwendung eines punktes anstelle eines kommas ist abscheulich
: Your use of a period instead of a comma is atrocious :
This fast? It's been occurring for 150 years. This was predicted in 1890's when CO2 levels hit an all time high (been rising ever since) and some scientist started warning about severe consequences in the 1940's. Now there is not an accredited climatologist, meteorologist, environmental chemist, etc. that will deny it's occurrence.
Those people that do deny it have never read scientific journals or books, attended seminars or taken classes, i.e., they have never "studied" it. Most likely they have based their opinion on someone else's opinion.
Ihre verwendung eines punktes anstelle eines kommas ist abscheulich
: Your use of a period instead of a comma is atrocious : Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Not as atrocious as corresponding in German language to an all English speaking message board.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Modern use of oil for heating dates back to the mid 1800s

Btw, German is a very expressive language. Almost as expressive as French, which is almost, but not tied with Portuguese.

ECG calls me her cowboy pirate
  • pxmcc
  • 10-08-2024, 09:31 AM
@major jones, point one: not exactly an eon on geological time scales, wouldn't you agree..

point two: and using google translate, no less. the fuhrer is rolling over in his grave..

they're called the "grammar nazis." but if you think you're a grammar guru, you at least gotta get your rules right. otherwise you're a grammar-nazi wannabe facepalm..

if you were to replace the period with a comma, you would have what's called a run-on sentence. didn't you learn anything from your SAT prep..

and yes, i know that that the last sentence should have ended with a question mark, not 2 periods. that's called poetic license, which James Joyce, in his Magnum Opus, Finnegan's Wake-don't buy those Ulysses' fanboys-took to quite the unintelligble and therefore masterful extreme..
Ericka xoxo's Avatar
I know, right? Soon we'll be taking family trips to Antarctica for "extreme summer" vacations, talk about a niche market!
  • pxmcc
  • 10-08-2024, 12:02 PM
I know, right? Soon we'll be taking family trips to Antarctica for "extreme summer" vacations, talk about a niche market! Originally Posted by Ericka xoxo
please pack me in your luggage if that's ok..

a skinny white girl with sum junk in dat trunk? uni-fucking-corn..

whoops, back on topic. wait, something got me distracted. what was the topic again? oh ya, we're totally fucked..

prayers for Tampa, no joke.

after, we can talk about if we should declare Florida to be a barrier peninsula and nature preserve. may not be fit for human habitation, going forward..
Dorian Gray's Avatar

point two: and using google translate, no less. the fuhrer is rolling over in his grave... Originally Posted by pxmcc

PPPfffttt.... Google Übersetzen ist ein Vor-Covid-Konzept. Wir verwenden jetzt ChatNZI
: PPPfffttt.... Google Translate is so Pre Covid concept. We use ChatNZI now :
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Oil wells we're being drilled in China before the time of Christ with iron bits on bamboo poles. Documented to about 800 feet.

Btw, the Mandarin language uses logical constructs that can lead/build to quite expressive communication.
  • pxmcc
  • 10-08-2024, 03:43 PM
the last time CO2 levels were this high was 3 million years ago, when temps were way tf hotter. once all the positive feedback loops-you know like the more ice you melt, the more heat is absorbed by the deep blue water, producing more melting etc. etc.-get all caught up, then were seriously fooked, and our goose is cooked, too..

this truly is the Anthropocene. we should all give ourselves a big round of applause..
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So the cycle is melt the ice, flood the earth, drown the humans, ice starts to freeze again at the poles, humans slowly recover, humans heat up world again, ice melts, dejavu over and over...
If humans can actually get off planet will they do same to other worlds??
You forgot to call it "climate change" - which allows the government funded scientists to blame almost everything on climate change so the authoritarians can raise taxes on everything and keep the money for themselves and control the scared populace in the process. Here is a quick recap of all the failed predictions: https://www.dropzone.com/forums/topi...e-predictions/
SMH. No scientists made these bs predictions. c'mon man. The Guardian? Dropzone? lmfao. Research what the real data produced by real scientific research shows. Facts are facts.
  • pxmcc
  • 10-08-2024, 08:12 PM
the only "scientists" still preaching this garbage are the ones getting paid by ExxonMobil..

you should see the CO2 charts since the industrial revolution. they are not steeply linear, which would be very bad news; they are exponential, which is really really bad news..

i had to zoom the data all the way back to 3 million years to find a single day to match our current levels..

trust me, we're fucked, bigly..
You forgot to call it "climate change" - which allows the government funded scientists to blame almost everything on climate change so the authoritarians can raise taxes on everything and keep the money for themselves and control the scared populace in the process. Here is a quick recap of all the failed predictions: https://www.dropzone.com/forums/topi...e-predictions/ Originally Posted by mynameismudd