Stick To Your Own Kind

DDarkness's Avatar
Deepthinker's Avatar
Or risk dire consequences. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Shit! Now you tell me....
Justapervert's Avatar
really? i know to each his own, but thats just freaking ridiculous... i do love the new acronym though... SWA... lol
Lexxxy's Avatar
*Dies laughing* I'm just beside myself that anyone would even need to do a study on this. I thought it was common sense.... sex with animals=bad but now they have scientific proof that it is bad.
Oh man, I am having flash backs like a vet to watching that video of that guy with that horse when that guy has that horse do that to him in that place until that guy dies O_o Dear god, the videos I saw in college
sexyfatguy's Avatar
Good advice for guys for sure. But don't forget: Catherine the Great of Czarist Russia met her demise when the cable and pulley system that facilitated her equestrian coupling with a real stallion broke, causing the beast to literally crush her.